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me and my mom moved away from our dad for a while..momma didnt say why but we left dad in new york and went way down south.where ive always wanted to go.ATL.

im sitting in my fully made room.yes we got here 3 weeks ago,momma still didnt do her room.

ima very neat person.

"nick!come help momma" my sister molly shouted.

i rolled my eyes. shes 16.im 13. we deffinitly dont get along.

i walked down the hall to my moms room seeing my sister in my moms brown loveseat on her phone.as momma tried to hang her mirror on the wall;she looked back at me her arms shaking.

"can you-"

"on it mom" i walked to her lifting up the fram conecting the hook to the nail in the wall momma getting hers after.

"thanks to your helpful sister we did it right" momma held up her hand for a highfive. i shook my head no laughing at her bad sarcasm

"yall done..cool cuz my friend jay wantes to meet for lunch"

she twirled her weave tying at her phone.

"yea if you can take nick you know i gota work at 5-12." mom said wiping the windex shed sprayed on her mirror.

i grinned.

"but mom 1 dis is a booooy! i liiiike him,2 no way.im not bringing my homo brother to see a boy i like!"

my smirk dropped.

she was the first i came out to.she said she understood.she didnt care.

"well if you didnt like my life decisions you COULD SAID THAT WHEN I TOLD YOU insted of being a bitch about it!!" i spat angrily my fist balled.i didnt care my mom was right there.she got me fucked up!

"okay enough! both of you to your room" i walked away fast,hiding in my covers huffing.over hearing thier loud conversation about me as if i wasnt 3 doors down

"i bet he hasent even beat his eat yet!how in the hell does he know he likes boys?!?!?!" my sister yelled

"molly im not having this conversation,if he likes boys:and he does.i cant change him what do you want from me!" my mom spat in my defense .

"we could send him away.to get help.i mean what would mamua and pops think?!!"

"i dont know...ill think about it."

i cried harder.i was already ashamed of who i was,now they are just sending me off?bitch you cant fed ex me.ion think amazon wants me either.

ill leave before they send me away.


"nick,honey,get up youve sleped all day.its 4:55"my moms sweet voice said as light hit my eyes by er pealing off the cover.

"leave me alone.im not sleep im walloing in self pitty" i said tierdly pulling the coverd back on my face.

"turn off my light karen."

"nick santana" she gasped pullling the cover off me fully smacking me in my head.

"hes way to young to have depression" molly came strolling in my room

"get out get out you are all uninvited to casa nahmir.bye." i groaned sitting up.

"mom you gotta go off to work."

she checked her watch quickly leaving.

molly got up to lock the door then came back.

"im going to see jay.dont tell mom" she blew a kiss then was gone.

i hopped out my bed peeking threw my window blinds.seeing her walking off.


i was alone so you know ya boy had ice cream for breakfast..well diner scince i woke late..whatever.

in my moms swivil chair at her desk in her office room witch consisted of boxes that were yet to be put up all named kitchen.

we'd been eating take out for 3 weeks.

i set my made bowl down going in the kitchen box labeld silverwear.getting the biggest spoon.

oppening her computer the ice cream in my lap i began to type i the code taking a big spoonfull of my nilla ice cream.

when it opend i went to google. i was going to try and beat level nine of watergirl and fireboy on coolmath.when my happy smile of thinking that acomplishment droped along with my heart.

it read

MADISON conversion therapy camp : praying the gay away one step at a time.


step 2: we will show them eduactinal videos on how to be STRIAGHT!

step 3: teach them how their sex acts in the household.(girls cleaning and cooking)

step4: practice makes perfect! we will profect them on how to make love to the oppsite sex!

i stoped reading.shutting the computer. setting my melting bowl of ice cream ontop of it running to my room,tears rushing down my face.grabing my school bag dumpping it onto my floor.]

rushing to my drawers grabing my favorite clothing items stuffing them in.

i had compleately forgot about them thinking of sendng me away!

i cant let them..wat type of sick twisted people would try to change me !

im only 13!

i sliped on my air force 1's stuffng the black ones with a orange check in the bag zipping it fast.swinging it onto my back.

i knew their was screen on the window. i rushed back to the office grabing a knife out the box.

noticing my spilt ice cream on the new black laptop.

thats the least of my worrys.

ripping my sweater off the back of my door shuttig it twisting the lock i steped on my bed lifting the blinds with one pull of the string.

unclicking the locks i pulled it p wit force,if i wasnt angry my noodle arms would have been givin out.

i cut a suqare hole in the window with the knife kicking it out of place .taking my bag off my back stuffing the knife in.

"hey niggas is predetor out there" i spoke to myself strugging. then relized i need money..and my phone witch was charging on my knight stand.

leaving my bag by the window i went to my sisters roo in her bookcase was a book that had a hollow inside.i knocked on books throwing them to the ground in fustration not knowing when mollyd beback i needed outa here fast!

finally one hard book sounded hollw i opend it rereaving the 1 big stack of 20's. smirking i droped the book leaving the stacks of 5's and 1's.

once i got back to my room i snatched my charger and phone out the wall putting my phone in my basketball shorts pocket. unziping the small pocket on the front of my bookbag putting the money and charger in,spoting my head phones in there.

"yesss" i said happy slinging my bag out the window. i had one leg threw and i heard...

"nick,nick im home did you eat?!" from downstairs.


i jumped out one leg landingg in the grass the other trapped in my bookbag strap.i kicked my leg out grabbing my bag putting it on running as fast as i could looking back once or twice at my light lit bedroom window till turning the corner.off of the street i never felt was home.

new york was home. thats where i intednd on going.

my dad dosent know about my sexuallity.ill hide it from him.



Update at 30-35 votes ;)

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