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"I'm immortal itself, so why did I let myself be humiliated by those mortal people?" I mumbled to myself as I comfortably sat atop of a tree branch, a few blocks away from tall guy's place.

In any case, I should have just shrugged it off and went to bath with them. But my mind would always blank out, just thinking about having to share the same space as them is tiresome.

It's been 10 minutes and I don't expect time to make haste like some magical time skip. There's no such thing like that at the moment. Sighing for the nth time, I complained to myself.

"What a pain."

If I try to wander off anywhere else, I might really get lost and find it difficult to retrace my way back to Ash and his eve's place. I'm trying to adjust myself in calling Ash his given name, which is Kuro, but since we almost have the same name, I'm debating whether I should stick to Ash or get over it.

For now, I'll go for whichever I'd prefer at any moments. I can either call him Kuro and Ash however I want anyway.

"Nee-san?" Surprisingly, I never had any idea one of my siblings would be on their way to maybe meet their replicas and their eve. This time, it was a familiar looking hedgehog whose staring up at me from below the tree.

He scrunched his nose, red eyes fixated on me as he stayed on his fluffy-well, spiky-form. "I thought you found the Servamp of Sloth and his eve already? Or are you lazy to go with wherever they may be right now?"

"Correct." I shortly replied, a paw rested on my chin like I'm human with my palm rested on my chin. "It's obvious you're about to meet Greed and his....unique eve."

"To word his eve unique must mean..." he frowned. "Ah, geez! Don't tell me his eve is a pyscho or something?"

I shook my head. "Meh, not that much. Just have this weird angel complex."

He blinked his eyes. "Oh." The wind brushed past us and a moment of silence ensued. It seems like he doesn't know what to say, while I have no topic to talk about since I never start a conversation with any of them to begin with.

I huffed out a sigh, before jumping off the branch and landing gracefully on the ground. "Let's go meet them then."

He brightened up in an instant. "Yay!"

He's quite peculiar. One time, he hated my guts as if our bond as siblings is over. Now he's like any younger brother you'll have. Naturally, I have a sense of responsibility to look after those who are younger than me. I mean, that's the least I could do after everything I did.

He followed me as we are both still in our animal form. I literally praised myself since I still remember the way despite being just a few blocks away, but still, not getting lost from my dense senses of direction is an achievement itself.

I sniffed on air, another method for me to foretell their exact location. It's not like I'm sniffing their blood or anything. I'm talking about the scent. Everyone have different scents and in my case, I can smell a really warm yet sweet fragrance from Ash's eve.

Well, sure, Mahiru seems to be a warm and sweet person who literally cares for the wellbeing of his friends. But I didn't expect him to smell the same as her.

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