The beginning

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  • Dedicated to Amanda Maas

Taylor Ann was born in a hospital somewhere in Minnesota on, August 4, 1997. She was a very special and loved child as her parents weren't able to conceive children. After so many years of trial and error, her parents were finally successful. The egg had attached and little Taylor grew to be a 8lb 4oz beautiful baby girl. On that very early Monday morning Taylor Ann Peterson was birthed into this world.
After a solid eighteen months of Taylor's life, she was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia. Her parents were devastated, they were told she had about six months to live. Through that six months Taylor's parents began to think of how amazing the last year and a half had been with their beautiful baby girl and that they got lucky. Every night they had spent time thinking and praying that the doctors would be able to cure her and she would be able to live a full life.
After being told that Taylor would only live another six months her parents only ever thought about living their lives to the fullest and not giving up because she only had six months, but doing everything they could to make Taylor happy. They brought her to stores, restaurants, water parks, amusement parks and so much more. Her parents adored her and didn't want to lose her. Taylor was one happy toddler.
At Taylor's five month check up they had found that the cancer was gone. After all the treatments and medications, ups and downs, ins and outs, she was healed! When her parents had heard the news they were in shock and burst into tears. Even though their only child was expected to die at two years old they never lost hope that God new what he was doing. The Peterson's would be one happy family.
    As the months went by Taylor was in and out of hospitals and by the time she was three and a half they said she should start getting active by joining a sport. So they suggested dance. Taylor loved dancing. It was her favorite thing in the whole world. She made so many new friends and never wanted to leave. Taylor loved it except she had never been able to go to any of her recitals. Every time, she was in the hospital because she was too weak to do anything.
On Taylor's fifth birthday she received a very special letter from a dance student named Caitlyn Rogers who attended Juilliard. Taylor had been invited to a special recital for special people. Caitlyn had heard of Taylor from one of her friends and become interested in meeting her and learning more about her. Caitlyn had been diagnosed with the same thing as Taylor when she was five years old. She had suffered for three years then finally kicked cancers butt when she was seven. Caitlyn had struggled with being in and out of hospitals, so weak she couldn't live without some sort of machine, not being able to breath. She never felt like a normal child until she was introduced to dance at the age of eight and dance helped her to feel better and express herself.
    The next couple of months Taylor waited in anticipation for the recital. This would be Taylor's first time out of the state. Only one more week until the Peterson's leave for New York. Until then Taylor continued to dance her feet off and make new friends.
On December 22nd, 2002 Taylor and her family hopped on a plane and flew to New York. Three and a half hours later they landed in New York

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