Beginning of the End

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Slight cursing, gore
If those bother you then you don't have to read it. Also, it's really long. Hope you enjoy. :-)


I'm staring into the valley of hell
With a cross on my heart
And smoke on my breath

The smell of dust filled the air as I trudged my way up this rocky outcrop, loose stones giving way and sliding down the hill as I tried to take each step. Exhaustion gnawed at my muscles and bones as I continued to climb upwards, my destination seemingly farther and farther away, as if someone was teasing me with the idea of rest.

I turned my head back to check on my comrades' progress, and realized they were fighting their own bodies as much as I was.

My eyes met forest green ones first; black bags were apparent under her eyes, her shoulders slumped towards the ground, and her crimson red hair was splashed brown and caked with dirt. She returned my steady gaze, silently asking me why I had stopped.

I looked past her to the next person in line, and I was met with an equally tired ocean blue; the jet black haired female was almost dragging herself, her already petite frame seeming even smaller, like the weight of her exhaustion was physically crushing her. The girl directed a bright smile at me, feigning cheerfulness, but her eyes betrayed her. They were clouded with pain and pleaded for a chance to rest.

I turned once more to to the last comrade in line, his eyes the same ocean blue has his twin sister. He seemed the least affected of the group. He stood tall, broad shoulders back and straight, encouraging his sister to keep going with quiet and caring words; I however could still tell he was having trouble, by the way he was clenching and unclenching his jaw.

I swiveled my head forwards, a newfound determination to continue towards the top of the outcrop. My footfalls caused more and more stones to fall, and I heard the grunts of my buddies as they were showered with the dust covered rocks.

When I finally reached the top, I got down on my knees and pulled each one up, knowing exactly how tired they were. They gave very quiet and sluggish 'thank yous' in return.

"We rest here for tonight," I spoke firmly, watching the setting sun fall behind the treetops located on the other plateau, mirroring the one we were on now.

I sized up the large, flat distance between the two plateaus with a weary eye. It was almost all dust, completely deserted and barren. The distance was merely a couple miles, and since the land was flat, it would be easy to travel. On the other hand, that same reason was why I was so disturbed. It provided absolutely no cover if we were being pursued, and we could just as easily be outrun in this area.

I was distracted from my uneasy thoughts when I heard my party's sighs of relief, and I couldn't suppress my chuckle.

"So, we'll rejoin the army tomorrow, then?" Squeaked a small, apprehensive voice from behind me.

I nodded in response without turning around. I knew why she had asked.

We all got as comfortable as the hard ground would allow, and everyone fell asleep rather quickly. Except myself. I couldn't help but continue to stare at the land below, watching as the sunset bathed the land in reds, oranges, and even slight pinks. The colors continued to fade until the sun finished its decent behind the trees on the other plateau, leaving the world to be slowly consumed by the darkness of night.

I knew we wouldn't be alone for long, and soon the valley below that was so barren and void of life would be swarming with thousands of men and women fighting for their survival.

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