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Neil drops mogli at avnis house

After making mogli sleep avni comes to sunheri and tells her about moglis day at Khanna house as mogli said to avni, and then comes our so called hero "neil"(sry guys I was very big fan of neil Khanna and I would always say my mom to bring a husband like neil but from last 3 episodes I am not at all liking him)

Neil : avni i think we should talk

Sunheri: I will go and check whether the children slept or not

Sunheri leaves from there

Avni : yes neil? What do u want to talk?

Neil : till yesterday mogli used to love me , but today , today he hates me, what did u tell him about me that he started hating me ?(with tears in his eyes and anger in his voice)

Avni : neil do u really think that I instigate him against u

Neil : yes I do , in order to get mogli back u can instigate him against me

Avni : well in that case Mr Khanna , listen one thing carefully , mogli hates u because of what u did on ur engagement day , it is not because I taught him , it is because u shouted at me to take my son along with me and never come back , u shouted in a high range that he himself heard it

Neil : avni....

Avni : no neil enough of ur accusations on me , now I am not going to bare anymore , u know what neil , u never understood me , if u had understood me then u would not raise this question , since yesterday I was quiet because I know u are angry on me , u hate me but not today

Neil : oh wow so avni Ayesha is blaming me that I never understood her , yes it is true because u do things in such a way that u confuse not only me but all the others , and I even doubt that have u ever loved me or it is just a fake drama like u did in all these 10 years

That's it he received a slap from avni

Avni holds neils collar

Avni : how dare u neil? How dare u to talk me like that ? do u really think that my love for u is fake ? if so then the question should be asked my me that did u ever love me , because If u had ever love me , u would had not raise this point of faking my love for u ,

She sobs out louder holding his collar and bending down not able to stand , she cups her eyes with her hands and cries out her heart

Avni : enough neil , I cannot be more strong than this , I cannot fight , I am tired , I am tired by fighting with the people all around me n

Neil stands still with teary eyes , hearing avni sobbing out loudly sunheri comes out

She sees avni and runs to her, avni hugs sunheri tightly and does not stop her crying

Neil : sunheri

Sunheri looks at neil , he signals sunheri to leave , sunheri leaves to her room leaving avneil alone

Now neil goes to avni and cups her face , avni doesn't look at him

Neil : avni

Avni : neil plse go away

Neil : avni once look at me

Avni : no neil plse go away

Neil forces her to see his face

Neil : avni what do u think , y am I behaving like this with u?

Avni : because u hate me

Neil : once say that looking into my eyes , do u really think I hate u

Avni now looks into neils eyes which are with tears

Neil: avni y don't u just tell me the truth which u buried in ur heart and baring all these nonsense

Avni : what do u mean by the truth neil?

Neil : the truth for which u got separated from for 10 years , the truth for which I am behaving with u in ill mannered , the truth which took our happiness , the truth which took my avni away from me , what do u think avni , I don't know y did u leave us 10 years ago

Avni looks at him fully shocked

Neil : I got to know y u left us avni , but I want it to hear from u , and so I thought I will push u till the end by my hatred that u urself will burst out the truth , but , but no all my plan goes in vain and u being u just keeping the pain to urself but not bursting ur heart out

Avni : neil

Neil : no avni let me speak, how can u do this avni , how can u sacrifice everything for me and my family

Avni : neil its ot only ur family , it is my family too , he is my papa too and I can go to any extent to save my family

Neil : ok that time u sacrificed but what about now? Y do u want to leave me avni ?

Avni : neil I thought u like mithali and u hate me

Neil : like really!! Avni do u even know what was going through me when I got engaged to mithali , it was just our plan so that I can get truth from u and u really think I love someone else and I will marry mithali leaving u , no avni , no , not only in this life but every other life I am not going to leave u , I love u avni and no one can take place of urs in my heart and in my life

Avni gets emotional and hugs him and he reciprocates the hug

Avni : I am sry neil for everything

Neil : I am sry avni to say all nonsense about u

Avni breaks the hug and turns his head aside so that she can kiss him on his cheek

Avni : sry neil for slapping u

Neil : I am sry to speak all that bakwas avni and I am happy that u slapped me , because I deserve that slap

Avni : no neil , no u don't deserve any slap , I am really ver sry to slap u , I don't know in the spur of moment I slapped u when u said that my love was fake , I am sry neil

Neil hugs avni in order to calm her down

Neil : avni its ok now plse stop crying

Avni relaxes in his arms and he feels bliss having his life in his arms 

i know it didnt go well but hope u people will like it  

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