Getting To Know Them

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Hi Bitches, I'm Bella and I'm 17 and I live be myself and my bestie is Tori she crazy. I'm black and White but I have a lot of black in me. My hair is long it's natural. I'm from N.O.L.A and live their. But that's all I guess oh and I'm in college I do it online. Bye SLUTS

Sup Hoes, I'm Tori and I'm 17 and I live next door to my bestie Bella. I'm black and Indian I got that good ass hair. But anyways I go to college and I do it online like Bella. I'm from N.O.L.A and live here it's do fucking fun. Buts that's all bye whores.

What's Poppin', I'm August and I'm 19 and I live on the streets so I'm homeless my mom kicked me out because I was a Drug Dealer. I'm still one I just don't have no money I be sleeping on homies couches. I'm from N.O.L.A live here. My bestfriend is Chris well that's all.

What's up, I'm Chris and I'm 19 and I live with my brother and I'm a drug dealer with my bestfriend August. I live in N.O.L.A and I'm black I fuck and duck. That's all.

Testify ( An August Alsina  & Tyga Love Story )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora