The Once and Future Consulting Detective: part 1

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   "Get me pen." I didn't expect him to hear me -- usually no one does -- but he heard me and he answered.

        "Who, me?", he said. What a foolish answer to give. For my newest companion he is really quite stupid.

        "Yes, you!" I thought. I spoke; now out-loud, "How can you hear me?" I wasn't going to admit it but this baffled me a bit. No one ever hears me -- or at least John never did.



  "It's quite simple, you have magic!" Did that really just come out of my mouth? One would think a thousand years would give me practice to hold my tongue. "What I mean to say is that, you must be a creature of the Old Religion. Or the old Old-Religion as it is now." Another mistake. Why can't I just hold my tongue?

        "Who are you?" Sherlock asked me.

        "I am Emrys. I am a Dragon-Lord and the greatest warlock to ever live -- that's what I've been told my entire life." I don't know why I bother trying to explain this anymore. Since the time of Camelot and the mighty King Arthur (the once and future king), people began to believe that magic is just a myth and that wizards and sorceresses are just crazy people.

        "Oh, what it must be like living in a mind like yours! Do you really believe those fairy tales about Arthur and Merlyn?"

        "They're not--" Sherlock interrupted me (how rude, as usual).

        "Better yet, do you really believe that you're Merlyn, a very good physician and one of the wisest men to walk to earth?" Sherlock was beginning to offend me. I can only wish that one day he would believe me. "I pity you." Sherlock continued, "Having to deal with a brain capacity so small. If only you would use what knowledge you have."



        How foolish he is to believe that "magic" is real when science has proved it ("magic") to be fake. Everything that is "magic" can be explained using science and a little bit of deduction 

        "I can prove it to you," How foolish he is thinking he can out-wit me! "Arthur is returning. Camelot will rise again!" This child's play was beginning to frustrate me. How insisting he is! It's so annoying.

        "How do you intend to do that?" There really is no need for him to explain how he intends to prove this because he can't and he won't. 

        "I have a funny feeling"

        "A 'funny feeling'? You've got a 'funny feeling'? You can't prove anything with a 'funny feeling'! 'Funny feelings' don't solve cases, Merlin! Do you even know what solves cases? Facts! They're called 'facts'! A truth that has been proven by sci--"

        At that moment the telephone had begun to ring. How annoying. I always hate it when things like these (telephone, computer, television, etc.) interrupt my enlightening speeches. "Get--"



        "--The phone.

        It's incredible how someone can claim that magic isn't real yet use it all the time. I'm rather pleased that the telephone rang at that exact moment. I was getting fed-up with Sherlock and all of his nonsense. What does he mean by saying that I can't prove magic is real. Living in London is like living in the heart of magic (I should know, I've been to the heart of magic a few times). The heart of magic (and Camelot, because the two of them are basically one and the same) has moved since the time of King Arthur. The heart of magic, which was once in Wales, is now in London, England. 

        I went to go answer the phone. "Hello?"

        "Hello there, Merlin. It's Greg. Is Sherlock there? I've got a new case for him." I looked back at Sherlock, still annoyed with him, and I began to answer.

        "Um, ya. He's right--" As I began to tell Greg where he was, Sherlock rose and began to mouth repeatedly: "I'm not here". 

        "Ah, no. I'm sorry, Greg. Sherlock's not here." 

        "Oh, well that's too bad. You know what? Tell Sherlock, when he is there, that I've got a new case for him. A man just swam up of the Thames and he fancies that he is the 'King of Camelot' and that everyone is using sorcery." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was my bluff actually true? Greg continued, "Tell Sherlock that I would like him to find out where he came from and what he's doing here." 

        "Okay, Greg. Thank you, I will tell him." I hung up and explained what Greg Lestrade had just told me to Sherlock.



        "It seems as if you've got a friend! Come on, Merlin. Lets go."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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