chapter 1

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"Hunny, can you hurry up. We're getting late for the party." My husband asked for the third time in the last twenty minutes. This time I only rolled my eyes because I'm already done doing my last touch of makeup.
When I was coming down of stairs I heard him cursing and murmuring other words. I wondered if it's because of me.

"... fucking bitch... how could she...."

"Dear... is everything alright?"

"... what.... yes... yes... everything is fine." He smiled nervously while hiding his phone in his back pocket.

"You're sure?" I asked one more time looking straight into his eyes. He is lying and I know he is,  I just wish to know what happens.

"Yeah ... Yeah.. . Can we go Now?"


When we were about to knock at the door of our neighbour's my Jonathan got a new message for the third time,  but this time he didn't ignore it and all his facial expressions changed again but this time he cursed.

"Hunny you go first I'll follow you in two minutes,  I need to make a quick phone call." He nervously said while going back to the car with no one more single look.

"Hey Julia... welcome!" My dear neighbour Joanna cheered.. "where's Jonathan?"

"He has a phone call."

" Ok then, why don't you come in I'll leave the door open for him.. come is everyone is already here."

I smiled while handing her a gift I bought for her new born daughter.

"Oh it's very kind of you. You really didn't have to." She shyly said while taking her gift.

"It's not a big thing. Can I see her?"

"Sure this way,  she's sleeping"

She had the most beautiful girl . She was sleeping peacefully while one of her fingers in her mouth. I could stare at this angle for days and days.

While I was softly touching her little cheeks I heard something outside the window. It was my husband kicking the wheels with his foot while jumping all around like a mad man. I wish to know what this all about. What's driving him this mad? I came down stairs after a few moments to find him kissing my friend's cheeks while congratulating her.
This man was the love of my life, my life was all about him. But looking at him now I could feel my heart aching. All love has gone, only doubts and fears are to be now.

We sat for one hour and half. Ate enough of food and dessert. Enjoyed a drink or two, and all that I could think about all that time is why is this happening? Where has gone all the love we had once?  When did we start feeling this apart?

"Julia..Julia.." I heard a voice calling brining me back to reality.

"Yes.." I looked to see Joanna staring at me with worried eyes.

"Is everything alright dear?"

"Thanks for asking Joanna. I'm just tired."

"I can see that. Do you need anything?"

"No, I might just go home." I looked where Jonathan was sitting but I could see him nowhere in the room. " where's Jonathan?"

"He had another phone call. I guess he's up stairs."

"I'll go to check up on him."

"Sure dear."

I climbed the stairs feeling like a burden over my shoulders telling me to stop and go back. I was starting to  feel light headed, then I heard his voice hissing.

"Listen I will pay you Monday. don't come. I'll come to see you. ... fuck Samantha. Ok fine. Tomorrow. .. no... why do you keep saying that?.... no ... I already told you I just wanted to fuck nothing more nothing less and you'll get paid..... no... what.... fuck off Samantha ." And he hanged on still cursing again and again.  

I felt all the burden before being removed at once and my head started spinning,  I couldn't walk properly so I left and went back to the living room  and just when I was about to come in he followed behind with same so traumatised looks.

"Hunny you look so pale. Are you alright?." He asked still same expressions.

"Yes... yes..." I said with a shaking voice that could barely been heard. " I feel tired. Can we go home Now?"

"Sure. I'll bring your coat and purse. You go in the car I'll follow back."

I had to hold my tears  back till we were home. Once there, I went straight to the bathroom and fell on the floor feeling wrecked.

What should I do? ...

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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