Science Class

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Y/N shut the door to her locker, and clicked her lock back in place. She hoisted her messenger bag over her shoulder, and reached into the pocket of the jacket of her school uniform. She took out her smartphone, along with her earbuds that needed to be cleaned. After plugging in her headphones to the jack on her phone and selecting her favourite song by EXO, she began to walk down the hall that was becoming more crowded every minute. She recognized a few of the students, one of them was her cousin, C/N. She continued on, until she reached the door that lead outside to the courtyard. She shielded her eyes from the bright sunlight that met her eyes once she stepped out, but a wave of calmness washed over her soul. She glanced down when her phone vibrated in her palm, and clicked the home button. She grinned widely at the text on her screen. Gonna be late, sorry Y/N. J-Hope is being feisty again. She laughed to herself, and inputted her password to unlock her phone. She began to type back a message, her fingers pressing rapidly on he screen. Ha! No problem, just don't be too late. We have our presentation in biology. She tapped the send button, and turned off her phone to listen to EXO again.

Y/N sat at her desk, her fingers drumming against the flat surface. She waited patiently for her best friend, while playing with a lock of her freshly washed H/C hair. Students were filing into the classroom, and their bright coloured uniforms captivated her. She smiled though, as she saw her best friend, Taehyung stumble into the room, and towards her desk from down the aisle. He flopped down on the seat next to her, and grinned. " I'm so glad you made it! " Y/N said exuberantly, her face lighting up. " Yeah! Sorry I'm late! " he replied bubbly, his Asian accent rang in Y/N's ears pleasurably. She sighed to herself, and watched with half lidded eyes as Taehyung unzipped his schoolbag to pull out his thick science textbook. He's so dreamy, the things I'd do just to snuggle up with him... Y/N thought, staring all lovey dovey at him. " Everyone please take your seats and remain silent! " the teacher, who was a blonde Japanese woman called out, hushing everyone instantly. " We will now begin the presentations. Would pair number six please step to the front? "

Y/N sat next to Taehyung on one of the cafeteria tables, chowing down on her sushi greedily. " Woah, slow down Y/N, I don't want you to get a stomach ache like last week. " Taehyung said gently, but firmly, and Y/N obliged. " You did great, by the way. We'll get a really good grade, I'm sure of it! " Y/N said through a mouthful of food, and Taehyung nodded before taking a sip of his juice box. " You did good too... " he trailed off though, and Y/N raised her eyebrow. He isn't usually this quiet. I wonder what's wrong? She thought, a concerned expression on her face. " Hey Tae, are you okay? You seem distant, and it's not like you. " he snarled to himself, hesitating. But finally, he sighed. " I've been having trouble confessing something important to a certain person I know. " Y/N's face brightened up, as she had a very good guess who that person was. She could read Taehyung like a book, and it came in handy sometimes. " I know that person is me. I'm not gonna tease you Taehyung. You're my best friend, I wouldn't do that to you. " he cursed in Korean under his breath, but then reached out to take Y/N's hand in his. She gasped, as his fingers entwined with hers. " Y/N L/N, I-I-I... " he stammered, before taking a breath. " I love you. Will you please be my girlfriend? " Y/N's beautiful eyes widened, and shone with absolute happiness. " Oh Taehyung!! Yes, I will! Thank you! " he laughed to himself, and spread his arms so Y/N could embrace him. She hugged him tightly, and his hands gripped her waist gently.

Sorry if this is bad, I tried. I don't really know V well, I pay attention to J-Hope most of the time, and Rap Monster. Hope you liked it! I'm open to other requests too! Thanks so so much for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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