killers 101 Jeff the Killer fanfiction

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i walk into my schools office to get my schedule due to the fact its my first day at my new school. let see i think to my self

math with miss willcocksucker room 101

science with ms stockinggay room 106

english with mister molehouse room 201


Orchestra with mr owl room 109

art with miss evans

killers 101 with mister Woods room 308

wait killers 101 i bring my schedule back to the office and question it. "Whats Killers 101? I think its a mistake." "let me check... whats your name?" "Y/N" "ok.... well ms. Y/L/N there is no mistake. you do have killers 101 with Mister Woods. Dont worry hes a good person. you will love him." "o-ok i guess..." i set off to lunch since i can in the middle of the day. as i sit down i hear a teacher. "Y/N?" "yes?" "come with me please... im Jeff Woods by the way.. your in my 6th period." "nice to meet you Mister Woods." "Call me Jeff. All my students do." "ok Jeff nice to meet you haha" "nice to meet you to." i noticed we had traveled out of the lunch room and into his classroom. "ummmm why are we in your classroom?" "oh because i wanted to talk to you im privite." he closes the door and begans to talk "so whta brought you to this school?" i was kicked out of my old school for trying to kill a bully. And we moved." "oh then this is a perfect class for you!" "how do you figure?" "the class is for violent peoples." "oh ok" i smile ominisly at Jeff and he lets out a laugh "you messed up haha" "i dont care i tried." we laughed for a couple of minite before stoping. "wait you said your name was Jeff Woods?" "yes why?" "I know of you. i heard your story... its one of my favorites." "really?" "mmmmmhhhmmmm" " nice!" "yep. i got to go to my next class thou... and what happend to your smile? its gone!" "ill tell you in 6th." "ok see ya Jeff." as i walk to my Orchestra class i throw away the tray i was using and keep walking. i get there and mr. owl announces that im late i tell hhim i was with Jeff and he backs off.

annnnnnnnd cliff hanger i guess lol ill post part to soon!!

killers 101 Jeff the Killer fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now