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“Adroma Lareiviel!”

In that moment, no matter how implausible and ridiculous it may sound, my heart stops. The Great Hall is silent as I attempt to steady my breathing. My eyes are fixed on the Goblet of Fire as I stand slowly to hear the whispers of the others in my House. I have been taught to expect this by all of the professors, taught that nobody is safe.

Yet all I can think is ‘why me?’

My younger brother Adillus watches me from the cluster of first years at the end of the Hufflepuff table, fighting back tears. As I step out from the bench I throw a small smile his way, one of reassurance which I know he doesn’t fall for. To him, I am already dead.

“Adroma, step forward please.”

The shrill voice of the aging Cordelia Umbridge brings me back to the goblet, and I can feel the presence of Aurors behind me. They are ready to take me by the arms and take me forward to the group of tributes standing before the students who have survived another year of reaping. But I do not let them touch me.

“I’m going.” My voice catches in my throat and I realise in that moment the tears stinging in my eyes threatening to drop down my face. It’s all I can do to blink them away and walk forward with my head held high. My black robes billow behind me as I walk briskly forward, not allowing the piercing gaze of every student to unnerve me. I will not cry yet.

As I reach the podium, the short plump woman dressed in her sickly pink cardigan shakes my hand with a false white smile plastered on her wrinkled face. All who speak of her mention that she is almost the spitting image of her late mother.

“You are doing your House a great honour, Miss Lareiviel!” She cries in her ridiculous voice, and it is all I can do to stop myself from pulling out my wand and cursing her right there. But a Hufflepuff knows restraint. A Hufflepuff will smile and nod in the face of adversity.

I take my place next to the other two Hufflepuffs who have been selected: Olivia Wittlegrass, sixth year and Tilius Nightwing, third year. They both stand with false pride and nod to me respectfully. Is there much point in this? Eventually, we will kill each other. They may separate us by House, but there is no room for alliance within this game.

It is kill or be killed.

“And this,” Umbridge chimes on, “Concludes our reaping for this year. The tributes will now be escorted by their Head of Houses to the Trophy Room for debriefing. Enjoy your feast and may the odds be ever in your favour!” She steps down from the pedestal of the golden bird and turns to Headmistress Terrywell.

The young witch is dressed in shimmering ruby robes, displaying her Gryffindor pride. It is only her third year acting as Headmistress of Hogwarts

“Let the Feast begin.” She calls sadly, clasping her hands together before a great feast materialises before the students of Hogwarts.

As always, nobody touches their food until the tributes have been escorted from the hall.

Mischief is always Managed // Harry Potter/Hunger Games Crossover FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now