I Street Race Because He Cheated on my Mother ch.1

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I know I should be working on my Vampire Academy fan-fic, but I just couldn't help myself and I had to write this. so enjoy. =)

Racing. Fast cars, loud music, smell of burnt rubber, money, thrill. The trill of getting caught. That's what I live for. I'm an illegal street racer. Yeah, ever since I've been fifteen. That's when I first found out. That's what made me get into street racing. But I'm rushing into this. I want to take my time and explain everything, since I do remember it like it was yesterday. So let's take it back a few years. Three to be exact.

**Three Years Ago** 

"I think it's time you know the truth." I heard him say, on the edge of crying. I didn't know what he was talking about. What kind of truth was he hiding from me? I thought we had an agreement. We wouldn't keep anything from each other. Well I guess that's gone out the window. 

My voice was full with curiosity as I asked, "The truth about what? I thought we had a deal, Gabriel. I thought we told each other everything." 

"Call me dad. And it's no..." I cut him off, getting even more angry. He knows I will never call him dad. Not after everything that he did. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a dad. Gabriel is just someone who gives me food to eat, a roof over my head, a car to drive, and money in my pocket.  

"No. I refuse to call you that. To me, you are Gabriel. Always will be. Get used to it." I hadn't notice until now that I was standing up from my sitting position on the couch, and my hands were balled up into fists, my fingernails making deep, bloodied impressions on my palms. The pain of my hands was only a fraction of the pain I felt from Gabriel. He promised to tell me everything. And knowing him, whatever he's about to tell me is big. Bigger than I want it to be. His loud sigh of defeat brought me back to earth. 

"Fine. But hear me out before interrupting again, please Amethyst?" I cringed at the sound of my real name. Only mom called me that. And now she's gone. She ran away from Gabriel when she found out he was cheating on her with more than one other woman. She left me here with him. I really wish she would have reconsidered and took me with her. But she left in the middle of the night and all I had left of her was the picture of us that she left on my nightstand that night. I was ten years old.  

I've told Gabriel countless times never to call me by my real name, but when he gets emotional, he forgets. "Fat chance of that, Gabriel." I said. 

"Okay. So there's no easy way to say this, but..." I didn't really want to hear all of this bullshit.  

"'No easy way to say this?' Please, Gabriel. What is easy for you?" I gave a chuckle. "Oh yeah, cheating on mom. That sure the hell was easy, wasn't? Didn't give so much as a second thought about mom once you had all those pretty, fake, whores did you?" He was really making my blood boil. And now one of my balled up fists was pulled back, in ready position to take a swing at Gabriel. 

"I loved your mother, but after a while that 'special spark' just wasn't there anymore. Get what I'm saying?" He asked. I did get what he was saying. He'd rather sleep with people just barely legal. That thought disgusted me. Gabriel had such a sick mind. I didn't reply to what he had asked me, because my answer was a punch to his mouth, but I wanted to hear what he has been keeping from me, so I just relaxed my hands and took my seat, back on the couch. "So. While your mom was pregnant with you, I cheated on her and you are supposed to have two half-brothers who are twins. But there was a miscarriage and neither of them made it." I growled in response. How could he do that to mom? Cheat on her while she was pregnant with me. Has he ever been faithful to my mother? I am guessing he wasn't, but twin brothers? 

After sitting there like a fool for five minutes, I choked out the only answer I could at the moment. "When was their birthday supposed to be?" 

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before looking directly at me. "February 1, 1992." That was birthday exactly. The year and everything the same. I growled and couldn't stop myself as I pulled back my right hand and took a swing at him. My fist connected with the his face and he looked aback as he stumbled into the kitchen and spit blood in the sink, and then wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. I stayed put, knowing that if I went over to him while I cursed him out, he'd have more than a bloody lip. 

"You bastard. You sick, sick man. You had sex with my mother and then walked out and had sex with some slut didn't you?" He didn't answer, and stood there dumbfounded, staring at me. "DIDN'T YOU?!" I screamed with all I had in me. Then I raced upstairs and into my room, slamming the door shut as tears unwillingly fell from my eyes. I grabbed my favorite tote bag from out of my closet. It was black and had printed music notes all over it in an ice blue color. I quickly shoved all of my journals in there, along with all of my sharpies. Yea. I have a sharpie fetish, but we can discuss that later. Then, in my messenger bag, I put as much clothes that would fit. Once I thought I had everything I needed, I scanned my room and remembered the drawer to my nightstand. I grabbed my phone, iPod, headphones, my secret wad of cash, and after a few seconds of debating, my one and only stuffed animal. It was a little ram who had cream-colored horns, face, and hooves, and his body was a colorful mixture of very light blue, pink, and purple. It's how I remembered my Great-Uncle Bill. He passed away when I was fourteen. His funeral was the first I'd attended. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. The ram went everywhere with me after his death. I often talked to the ram like he was my friend, because in reality, the ram was my only friend on earth. Great-Uncle Bill was in heaven now, and my mother was only God knows where. And surely, Gabriel never was, is, or will be my friend. I will hate him for the rest of my life. At school, I didn't get along with anyone, so I had no friends there and I was the only teenager in my neighborhood.


That night I left my house and I haven't returned since. Now if you're wondering where I went, I wondered around until I came across a street where people where street racing. One girl, who at the time was 17, saw me and asked what I was doing there. I told her my story, leaving out my dead brothers, and she told me to wait with her. So we waited and when the racing was over, she took me over to meet her boyfriend, Mitchel. They discussed some things in hushed tones a few feet away from me, and from that night on, I've lived with that girl. Her name is Jocelyn Ann Penrose. Everyone but her family calls her Ann. Around her house, she goes by Joce. Her parents were nice enough to let me live with them, as Ann and her parents are the only people who know the real reason why I left Gabriel's house. Everyone else on the team thinks I just ran away from my father for no real reason.  

So I've here, street racing just about every other night and working full time at the nearest auto part store. I also work at the auto part store with all of the boys in our racing team. Ann works at the hospital right down the street because she's really talented with all of that nurse stuff. When one of us gets injured, its Nurse Ann to the rescue. She also acts like the mom of our team. She makes sure we're all fed, and can afford the bills, and all of that jazz. Like three days ago, our leader, Adam couldn't afford the full payment for his apartment because his girlfriend just dumped him and moved out so he could only make half of the pay. Ann didn't even think twice before she handed him a wad of money. He tried to refuse it, but she was too persistent. Everyone feels like they're taking advantage of her when they take her money, but she claims its not a big deal and that she makes enough of it to go around. The only person she doesn't force money at is Storm. He's the quiet one on our team. I've never heard him say a word and I've known him for three years now. Ann told me he won't take the money because he feels like he has to work for everything that he needs and wants or else its dirty. And not only is he the shy one, hes the best driver. He's only lost one race since he's been on the team. At least that's what Adam said. Adam and I are close. Not as close as Ann and I, but we know each other pretty well. I've been visiting his apartment a lot more now that his girlfriend left him. Even though sometimes he doesn't say one word the whole time I'm there, I know he enjoys that I am there with him.


I hope you enjoyed it. i shall post the next chapter for the vampire academy fan-fic before I leave for Tennessee. =D

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