It starts with a tick.

10 3 0

My pov.

Hello! Im Fifi and im a human girl and i live in a small village where Mt. Ebott is near. My parents told me about the legend of monsters which made me excited but at the part where  " when someone falls in they cant go back in the surface" made my back shiver. My parents died long ago so i live with my aunt and sister. My sisters name is Hope. Shes a 11 year old girl and my aunts name is Monika. I have to go now my aunt needs me to do some shopping in the market.

I stretched my arms and put my quill down on my table and closed my dairy. "FIFI!!!" my aunt Monika called me once more "im coming!!" i ran out of my room and down the stairs and look at my aunt who's in the kitchen . Our home isnt that big nor small but just the right size to at least fit 5 persons "Fifi we need some ingredients for our dinner later could you please buy these for me?" i nod my head as she gave me a piece of paper that has the list of what to buy. "thank you my dear now im giving you extra money if you want something to buy" "thank you aunt monika!" i hugged my aunt and grabbed a basket and ran upstairs to change. I wore my regular clothing.

I ran outside and pulled my hood up the thing is im afraid that some of my old friends will find me and beat me up for leaving. They done that one time so yeah. I walked to the market and saw James one of my friends in the market i saw him a week ago we began to hang out. I walked to him greeting and asked if some of my old friends came crossing by. He didnt i thanked him for not letting blow up my cover , i look whats in store and look at my list that monika gave me. "can i buy those?" i pointed to the flour and apples he nod "that'll be 30 g" i nod and gave him the money "so... Anything new about your job?" "not much james but im just going to patrol around and look if any child has been missing again" "speaking of missing theres another girl who gone missing i guess she went to mt. Ebott" "alright thanks james." i waved good bye and went on with the shopping.

After sometime i went home " hey aunt mo-" i dropped the ingredients down and ran to my aunt whos now lying on the floor bleeding... "aunt monika! Wake up what happened?!" i carried her head to my lap "F-fifi? Dear... I-i... Im s-s-sorry... You m-must...leave... Cough cough... The cl-clock is ticking... Your not.. Safe." "wheres Hope?!" "b-basement...." "who did this to you... Dont leave please..." "cough dont worry... T-the... Coughs the whit fang did i-it... Dont stay any longer here in the village. Keep t-the... Book in my room...." i hugged her tightly letting her own blood stain my clothing... I cried... 'i cant lose her too...' i look at her eyes ... They are both now lifeless... Her breathing stopped. I closed her eyes with my thumb and stood

* looking at your aunt whose now dead fills you with hate.

I saw her soul in front of me floating. I quickly grabbed a container and scoop her soul like what they said.... I summoned my soul black is what i see. I made it disappear and went to the base ment and saw my sister... I thought it was just a dream but no... Shes also dead her soul floating around i grabbed another separate container and put her soul in it. This cant be happening...


I heard lots of gun shots from the outside i ran to my room and grabbed my things then went to my aunts room and went under her bed pulled out a short case and a long one. I opened the short one and took the book with weird red designs. I lastly opened the long one to see a weapon... Her crescent rose i took it and buckle it on my belt i then ran to my sisters room and took her photo book and a crescent locket necklace i jumped out from the window continues gun shots can be heard and screams of people rang out. I ran to mt. Ebott ' this cant be happening. This cant be happening this Cant be happening' i then heard another human running behind me i turn and look who it was. "james?!" "Fifi!?" i hugged him "james whats happening?!" "its them..." i nod "where are you going?" "mt. Ebott" "same" we both nod and ran and climb i reached a cave and look around james was amazed we both saw a huge hole i then suddenly felt that a vine was wrapping on my ankle "AAAAAA!!" I screamed as i fell in i thought it was my death and i could finally be with my dead family but... I felt something soft...

I opened my eyes to see lots of golden flowers around me
The silence was followed by an 'ooff! Ouch' i turn to see james once again...  "where are we?" i shrugged it was dark and only the light source is the huge hole above us...  I stood up and walked around i took out a lamp and lit it up. I found a path and signaled james to come as were both walking i soon felt a presence of someone watching, i shrugged off the feeling. We both continued as all of the items disappeared we entered a huge door and we saw a big flower same as the other golden ones... But then "Howdy!Im flowey the flower!" the flower has now a face "so the legend is true..." james was in shock and quickly pointed the gun that he kept with him "woah woah no need for violence anyways... Your new to the underground arent cha?" james lowered his gun i nod "well someone gotta tea-" "sorry to interrupt but i think i know how it goes here" i cut his sentence he was not cool with it.

He then summoned our souls i look at James soul his soul is now blue with yellow with abit of green. I look at mine its still black. Flowey was shock at first but then it turned into an evil grin "YOU IDIOTS!!!" he laughed and summoned white palettes... We both dodge them its like its making us both dance then a fire ball appeared and hit flowey a goat monster stood there introducing herself and showed us the ruins... She said that the ruins have puzzles to solve theres one thats impossible to solve... It was a spiked floor... Toriel said "follow the steps"  she danced and solved the puzzle i was amazed so do james is. We tried the puzzle and made it through we continued on the way i was thinking about my aunt and sister s death not listening much to toriel.


HI GUYS! Sorry but it changed i will also add RWBY characters too hope you enjoyed please also watch the episode of RWBY remember this is like dance tale. Good bye!


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