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Selena's POV:

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Selena's POV:

Light streamed into the room and I felt my heavy eyelids lift. I blinked a couple of times to remove the traces of tiredness but when I tried to rub my eyes, I couldn't. Why? Because there was a muscular arm draped across my torso. So I did what any normal teenager would do in my situation; I screamed. Scratch that, I howled like a banshee who had been attacked by an axe murderer. There was a loud thump and the hand was removed and laid on the floor.  "What the fuck?" Justin groaned, rubbing the back of his head. "Why are you in my room?!" I all but yelled. "Look around, sweetheart." he smirked. What the hell is he talking about? I glanced around my room.. or maybe not my room. I didn't have piles of magazines and I definitely didn't have clothes and boxers scattered around it. Shit. I'm in Justin's room.  "Why on earth am I in your room?" I panicked and looked down at myself. Phew, I'm fully dressed or at least I have someone's shirt on. Whoa, wait. Someone's shirt? "Why am I wearing a guys shirt?" I added. "Jesus," Justin shook his head. "You have a really bad memory." In the middle of my freaking out, I tried to gather my thoughts and be logical. I thought back to yesterday.
"That was fucking awesome." Brandon punched the air. I laughed. It was pretty awesome. As much as I hated revenge and stuff, the bitch deserved it. "You're right about that." I agreed. Justin turned around to peer at me from the driver's seat and smirked. "Told you." I gave a large dramatic sigh and opened my mouth to say something before I realised where his hands were or, worse still, where his hands weren't. "Put your hands back on the wheel." I shrieked. His incorrigible smirk grew wider. "Why? Does it bother you?" he asked. "A little bit." I replied, sarcasm filling my tone. He made a tsk-tsk sound with his tongue but didn't put his hands back on the wheel. "Both hands on the wheel." I tell him. "I don't think so, my hands are tired." I resisted the urge to push him out of the car. "Too bad." I say. "I know, care to make me feel better?" he asks me. "You know, I would feel better if you just put your hands on the wheel again." I say. "But where's the fun in that?" I sighed. "Fun? Fun? We could die, you idiot!" I exclaimed. "Just chill, Sel." Chuckling, he put his hands back on the wheel and I sighed audibly. Thank God, does he really not know how dangerous that is? I leant forward and switched on the radio. Switch, too boring, switch, too techno, switch, too creepy, switch. My ears can't take any more of this. "Will you just pick one already?" Justin exploded. I gave him a cheeky smile and let my fingers continue to change the radio station. What kind of awful music do people play these days? Techno music that didn't have any original sound. I don't have anything against it, but if you hear the same dance beats every two seconds, it gets a little annoying, don't you think? One last time and I finally found something.

'I wanna be contiga, 
And live contiga, and dance contiga, 
Para have contiga, 
Una nocha loca (una noche loca), 
Ay besar to boca (ay besar to boca), 
I wanna be contiga, 
And live contiga, and dance contiga, 
Para have contiga, 
Una noche loca, 
Con tremenda loca 

My mouth was open wide and I was singing like there was no tomorrow. It didn't feel like I was in a car with two boys, it was just like being back at home with my iPod on, loose and free. Throwing my hands in the air, my body swayed slightly from side to side. As Sean Paul's part started my singing came abruptly to a stop. Reason for that? I can sing, not rap. The silence that surrounded me when I stopped was deafening (apart from the radio of course). Brandon's expression was open-mouthed and Justin had a small smile and an emotion in his eyes that I can't quite explain. "What?" I demanded. Why the hell are they staring?  "Nothing." Justin shook his head but I saw the glint of amusement in his eyes. I rolled my eyes, this boy. I honestly never know what to think of him. "Holy shit." Brandon whispered.  "What?" I asked exasperated. Am I only getting one or two word answers? "You're just.. really good." Brandon replied. I smiled. Was that all? I was freaking out for a minute. "That was hot." Justin chimed in. He grinned widely as a rosy blush made its way to my cheeks. "I'm serious, you should learn to loosen up more." he added. "Thanks." I mumbled uncertainly. What do you do if your crush calls you hot? Seriously, I need help. I'm totally clueless apart from the fact that my heart was doing miniature flips in my chest. My attention quickly snapped to the radio where the last traces of Bailando had faded away. I guess it's time to pick a new song. My fingers went back to changing the stations, flipping from one to the other. Both boys groaned simultaneously. "Not again." They complained. I chuckled; this was going to be fun.
My eyes narrowed into slits at the cross-legged sixteen year old boy staring solemnly at me. This was life or death. There could only be one survivor. He made his move as wisely as possible and I, seeing my advantage, seized my chance. "Ah-ha!" I exclaimed triumphantly. "Checkmate, the kingdom is mine!" Brandon groaned. "This is the third time in a row! It's not fair. Are you sure you're not cheating?" He accused. I mock-gasped. "You wound me with your accusations, Bran-Bran." I gave an exaggerated sigh and collapsed dramatically into my chair. "How could you even think of such a thing?" I say. "I don't blame him." Justin interrupted. "Are you calling me a cheater?" I ask. "Maybe." he says, smirking. "I could beat you any day." I tell him. "Wanna bet?" he says. "Oh, it's on Justin." I leant back in my chair nonchalantly. This is going to be a piece of cake. 10 minutes later.. "It's not fair!" I protested. "You must have cheated." No way. No freaking way. "I tried to warn you babe." Justin smirked at me. I scowled, what the hell just happened? He's not supposed to be good at this game. I was supposed to win. Cocky asshole. "Shut up." My superior wit appeared, coming to my rescue- not. Brandon chuckled.  "Relax, Sel." he soothed. I glared at him. Did he not see how incredibly important this was? My pride has just taken a major blow and all he can say is 'relax'? "Relax? Relax? How can I relax when I just lost to him?" Justin put a hand over his heart and faked a hurt expression. "How could you say that?" He mock-cried. I opened my mouth to make a smartass reply when a sudden cry was heard from upstairs. Sophie. I glanced at Justin, then at Brandon and then jumped up, running towards the stairs. What happened? She was a asleep when I last checked. I flung the door opened to see a very scared looking Sophie clutching the edge of her bed. "Sophie?" I asked slowly. "Is everything okay, honey?" she didn't say anything, just whimpered. "Sophie? Can you tell me what's wrong?" I ask. "Th-there." She stuttered and pointed to the dressing table in her room. I turned as cautiously as I could and peered at the table with dawning suspicion. And then I did a very cliché thing- I screamed. Jumping on the bed, I picked Sophie up and gathered her in my arms.  "What happened?" Brandon burst into the room, his brother following him. "Take. It. Away." I said through gritted teeth. "What?" Justin asked. "That." I pointed to where the creature was. Justin followed the direction of where I was pointing and burst into spontaneous laughter. My hands went to my hips as I glared at him. What the hell is so funny? Almost as if he read my mind, Justin spoke. "You can go ahead and cover some bitch's car in fucking posters-" I clapped my hands over poor Sophie's innocent ears.  "Language!" I hissed. He gave Sophie an apologetic look before continuing. "-and then you come back and scream because you see a little cockroach." He finished. "First of all," I defended. "It's not little, it's huge. Second, cars don't stay alive for two days after you chop their heads off." I say, defending myself. "Wait, what?" Brandon interjected. "Did you just say they can stay alive after-" I cut him off. "after you chop their head's off. Yes." I finished.  "Bloody hell!" Brandon jumped on the bed with us. He looked as frightened as we were. I would normally have laughed at his expression, that is, if a cockroach wasn't the case. "Language!" I reminded him. He rolled his eyes. "Sorry, Soph." He apologised. She looked up at him with a disapproving expression. "You're not supposed to say that, Bray-Bray." She reprimanded. Brandon's mouth dropped open and laughter bubbled up inside of me at the adorable 6 year old. Justin on the other hand, didn't hesitate to roar with laughter. Not just that but he was practically crying with laughter. Brandon scowled. "Oh shut up." he snapped. Justin paid not the slightest attention to his younger brother and continued laughing like there was no tomorrow. I would have been laughing too except for the fact that there was a freaking cockroach in the room. It moved again and both Sophie and I screamed again. "Get it out!" I shrieked. Justin rolled his eyes and picked it up. He held it out towards me and I took a careful step back. "What are you doing?" I say. "Wanna touch it?" he thrusts it forward. I shrieked as it landed on my jeans. "Oh my God!" I brushed it off and two seconds later it scuttled away from me, probably grateful to be away from the crazy, screeching banshee girl. Justin leant nonchalantly at the doorway as if nothing happened. I gave him a full-on glare. He is so going to get it. "You'd better run Bieber!" I yelled before barging in his direction. He did a mock-girly shriek and took off, screeching 'please don't kill me!' Honestly, what do I see in this boy?
I gave a loud yawn and collapsed on the couch. Race for revenge was officially over and I'm tired as hell. The boy sure can run. He probably has to so he doesn't get caught by the police.  "Tired?" the boy with the glinting hazel eyes asked. "Yeah, I'd better get home." I jumped to my feet and started to walk towards Sophie. "Night, sweetie." I ruffled her hair. "Wait!" Justin called. I turned to face him. "What?" I asked. "Stay over." Wait what? Did he just- "It's late. Just call your parents." he added. "They won't let me. They don't know you that well." I admitted. "Say you're staying at Renee's then, or Marie's." he says. "But-" I started. "Come on, Sel. We're not going to murder you. Please?" I felt a tugging on my jeans and Sophie gave me a wide-eyed puppy dog face. I internally groaned. How am I supposed to resist that?  "Fine."
End of Flashback
"Ooooh," I drawled as the memories came flooding back. "Right." Justin glared at me and pointed to himself. I cocked an eyebrow meaning as if to say 'what?' and he rolled his eyes. "I think you have something to say to me." he pointed out. I, being the extremely apologetic girl that I am, replied immediately. "Now that I think about it, I do." I tapped my chin, pretending to think hard. "Yeah, go ahead." he egged me on. I gave an exaggerated sigh. "You must be really heavy, I've never heard such a loud thump in my life." I grinned as his jaw dropped open in shock. He was staring at me in astonishment and I was struggling to hold my restraint at the urge of bursting into laughter. "You-you-you-" he stuttered but regained his composure. "I was thinking something more along the lines of a word starting with an s." he says. "Stupid?" I guessed. "That's pretty accurate too, I mean-" I say but got cut off. "I meant sorry!" He cut me off. His expression was half-exasperated, half-confused. The glint in his eye was enough to tell me that if I didn't stop talking he was going to explode. But did I listen? "Apology accepted." I smiled. He got to his feet, obviously frustrated and angry, and started towards me. I took a cautious step away. He was about to grab me when the door was flung open behind me, sending me flying forwards. Right. On top. Of Justin. "Whoa," Brandon exclaimed. "am I interrupting something?"  I blushed furiously and tried to push myself off of Justin. "Nope. No. Nothing at all." Brandon raised an eyebrow and my blushing increased. Justin, as usual, smirked at me. I swear he's bipolar. One minute he looks like he's ready to beat me up, the next he looks like he's had the time of his life. "I quite like this position, don't you?" he taunted. I turned the colour of a fire truck and shoved myself off him, flexing my shoulders. Oh God, that was embarrassing. I stood up, brushing down my clothes. "How about some breakfast?"
"Lalalalalala." Sophie trilled. "Sing a happy song." I joined in, repeating the lyrics. "Lalalalalala. Sing a happy song." Justin and Brandon both groaned simultaneously and I grinned. It's so much fun annoying them. Brandon covered his ears with his hands. "I knew we shouldn't have watched that movie." He complained. After we had breakfast, I changed into my own clothes and we all decided to watch a movie. Smurfs never gets old. Well, not for me at least. What can I say? I'm a childish girl. I stuck my tongue out at Brandon. "Whatever, you agreed." I say. "And I've been regretting it ever since." He muttered. I pouted. "You lying. Smurfs is awesome." I say. "You're such a child." he tells me. "And proud of it." I stuck my nose in the air. "Hey Soph, you wanna play a game?" Striking blue eyes turn up to mine and I smile at her eager little face. "What game?" She asks excitedly.  "Hide and seek! And your brothers can help us too." I reply. "Oh, hell no." The boys said in unison. "You both said a bad word! Now you have to play." Their sister smirked. Damn. Is that like some sort of family trait? Have to hand it to her though, that was a good catch.  The boys groaned again. "Fine." 5 minutes later.. "Shhh." I hushed Sophie, pulling her closer to me. "They can't know we're in here!" I tell her. "Okay." came her muffled reply. Shit. It was really cramped in here. We were in a tiny closet under the stairs (I know, so Harry Potter) and I can't help but feel like I want to burst out of here and blow our cover just so I can feel my legs again. Dear Lord! Imagine what Harry Potter must have felt like. Poor boy! Suddenly, footsteps interrupted my thoughts. "Where are they?" I heard Brandon's voice whisper. "I don't know." Justin's voice whispered back. "Let's keep looking." There was a shuffle of feet and a small sigh of relief escaped my lips. And that was my fatal mistake. The door of the closet was flung straight open and I stumbled and fell forward. Sophie, however, was a little luckier. She hadn't fallen over but a moment later, caught a glance of her 16 year old brother's face and heard a growl and didn't hesitate to run in the opposite direction. I didn't have much time to do anything else because Justin was at my side and tickling me like there was no tomorrow.  "Stop." I giggled, struggling to move away from his hands. "Never." He grinned down at me. He continued tickling me mercilessly. I rolled and struggled but he was tickling me so hard I was gasping for breath. I moved jerkily and then a deep voice put a halt to the current happenings. "What's going on here?"

Cracking The Good Girl - Jelena/Justlena Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now