Chapter 2 - The Death.

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This chapter maybe a bit sad guys, but hope you enjoy :) 

The Death.....

I was working in the little station shop that my mother owned, it had been passed down from generations and she had been given it for her seventeenth birthday from her father to run, and i was suprised that it was still standing. She loved the shop and somehow it made a good amount of money because the prices were low. My mother had wanted to pass it down to her children and because i was the oldest i had to take a part time job there as i was seventeen and i had to start making my own money as my parents were soon going to cut me off. My mother had been quite shocked when i told her that i didn't want to own the shop when i was older, i wanted to do other things. but she softened after Lily had told her that she loved the shop and wanted to own it, i felt sorry for her as she didn't know what was in store for her.  

I was hot and bothered because of the heat that we were having. It was the start of the summer and the weather was perfect and i could be at the beach with my friends getting the perfect tan instead of staying in some stuffy, boring shop. This was my Last week working until it was my vacation for the rest of the summer and i only worked evenings because thats when most of the cars came for gas, so that was something to be happy about. I was also happy because everyday when Lily was finished her jymnastics club my mum would bring her to the shop to sit with me until my mum and dad picked her up after their meetings. The shop wasn't running all the time only when i had shifts because my parents had decided instead of running the shop they would be buissness people so they put me in charge. My mum selt houses all around the estate and my dad selt the best models of cars. I owned my own car, a special model that my dad had saved for my sixteenth and i loved it. It was the up to date Mini and it was pink with purple tyres and it had the best possible speed ever. It got me everywhere and i wasn't the nly one that loved it , Lily did too and my friends. I came back from my daydream and focused on the time that said 17:30pm, so that meant that Lily would be arriving in the next fifteen minutes. I didn't complain about Lily staying with me at the shop, because she was fun and i enjoyed her company. She talked to me all night until we had to close up and evem when i was serving and i always listened to what she had to say because she had the most iteresting stories. If she wasn't in the mood to speak she either helped me with stocking the shelfs or serving or just satand watched me while holding Tiddles close to her chest, either way i was happy of her presence. 

I once again snapped back as i heard someone clear their throat at the other side of the till. I quickly snapped my head up to see an older man looking at me questionally, i ignored his look and politely asked.

"May i help you sir?" While looking at him with my most innocent face which i seemed to be very good at. 

"Yes, i should certainly pay for my gas and can i have a pack of your cheapest cigarettes deary please". He said while looking at me with a crooked smile placed on his face. I noticed that his teeth seemed to have rotten away and he looked quite scruffy with holes in his jacket and a stained shirt. He had a white beard and combed back greasey hair and tiered looking eyes wich made me quite frightened of him. 

I noticed that i hadn't done anything so i spun around to get his cigarettes. I placed the pack on the counter while i typed in the price and he placed his spare change onto the counter next to the cigarettes. I waited patiently until he had counted all of the money before sliding the money infront of me from his shaking hands, i looked down at it and counted it quickly before placing it into the till. I looked back at him and i was shocked to see that he had lit one of the cigarettes in the shop and also infront of me thinking that i wouldn't notice and like he didn't notice all the NO SMOKING signs all about. 

"Excuse me sir, you cant smoke in here. I'm going to have to ask you to put it out." I said to him in a stern voice. 

He looked up at me scowling and i tried to hold back the fear that was trying to escape my body. "Excuse me doll, but i don't recall you being a police officer now, do i ?". He said chuckling harshly like he found his answer amusing. I looked over at him shocked but i didn't want him to think i was some weak, pathetic teenager that he could walk all over, not that i wanted him to. "Sir, i'll have to ask you once more to put it out or i will have to phone the police for you disturbing the area." I said again without hesitating. He looked at me stunned and leant in close so that i could smell the foul breath that he had. "You wouldn't dare". He said harshly, i tried my best to hold in the fear that was trying to escape but i could feel myself beginning to sweat. I held it in as much as i could and looked at him with as much anger in my eyes as possible."You wanna bet?". I said staring at him. I stepped back and started to reach out to the phone. He glanced at my hand moving towards it and quickly looked at my face seeing that i wasn't joking. He quickly jumped as i picked up the phone and he pulled the cigarette out from his mouth, he looked at me once more before pulling his hands up into a surrenderings postion and doing so dropped the cigarette onto the floor. " No harm missy, honest. Now theres no need for any of us getting in to bother now eh?". He said with a smile placed smugly on his face and both his brows raised. I kept my face blank looking back at him. It was after a few minutes before i heard im turning on his heals, he looked down at the floor smiling and did what no person would ever get away with, he rubbed the cigarette as far as he could into the nice, white clean floor and stormed off out the shop.  I held in my anger as he looked back and said. " Have a good night, missy." Before leaving the shop and taking his foul smell with him. 

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