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Chapter 1

Even though many painful years had passed Sasuke couldn't stop torturing, and reminding himself of the kiss him and Naruto shared in the academy.


What's he ranting on about now, I wonder.. I turned my head ever so slightly until I could just catch Naruto in the corner of my eye. He stormed over, face red and after intensely staring me for a good while, he leaped onto my desk. What's this all about? He was so close. Less than a metre away. I could almost feel his steamy breath on my face as he continued lecturing me. I wasn't bothered in listening to what he was saying but instead concentrated on why my heart was skipping.. I mean, I don't like him obviously.. he's a guy, but even still, I feel obliged to saver this moment. That's when my eyes caught him leaning forwards, my heart skipped a beat once again. What's he doing? We're so close.. too close. He stopped about 10cms away from my face before crashing his perfect lips on to mine. I-is N-naruto g-gay?! In a moment of panic I returned the kiss, regretting it instantly. His eyes suddenly snapped open, his face alarmed at my actions. What was I thinking?! I pulled away shocked at my own behaviour. All the girls gasped but Sakura, whose glare became increasingly intense as her face glowed a furious red. She stormed towards Naruto, attacking him with her petty punches. I couldn't help but sympathise with him. But back to the matter at hand, why would he do that? It's so unlike him, much to my displeasure I know he detests me. Thats it, what if it's all a joke, a plea to wind me up, and I.. I cursed myself for not listening to him beforehand and especially for kissing him back.


Sasuke had always secretly admired and looked up to Naruto but when they kissed, even for just a moment he realised it was far more than that. It changed everything, Sasuke no longer knew what Naruto was to him, certainly not a brotherly figure like he always thought, thats for sure. These feelings mortified him, he couldn't be gay, "I'm an Uchiha for goodness sake." Nevertheless he decided to distanced himself from the hyperactive boy for good, just as a precaution.

Sasuke had never felt more alone than all the time he wasn't around Naruto. Everyone else was simply boring. However just when Sasuke had become successful in refusing his feelings towards the boy, team Kakashi were sent on a mission (one of Sasuke's favourite things to do, although he'd never admit it.)

The mission was to reclaim a valuable statue stolen by common thieves. However it didn't turn out to be as simple as they had all anticipated and hoped. It took a turn for the worse when a thief possessed strong ninjutsu. Naturally Sakura was no help and Kakashi had other business to attend to so it was left to Sasuke and Naruto. Unfortunately, they underestimated their opponents which resulted in them both being bound together by their hands. If this didn't bring back Sasuke's feelings enough, they kissed, for the second time.


I remember that day so well. Although it wasn't the most romantic of kisses, since it wasn't even intentional, it meant a hell of a lot to me. It was different to the one in the academy, strange, as though Naruto enjoyed it too, not that that's possible of course.

Eventually, Naruto needed the toilet and although I protested, who am I to complain. Plus, he had no objections. I had to undo his zipper due to the hand situation and it felt kind of weird, but not bad. I could get used to this.


All the feelings rushed back, they seemed to worsen every day they spent together. He had to leave, he had to, he couldn't be around Naruto any longer. He would wreck the Uchiha name.

That's why, when the opportunity arose a while later, not only to avenge his family but to purify himself from these hideous thoughts regarding Naruto, he took it, without hesitation.

However the solitude of Orochimaru's company only worsened the situation. He was alone almost everyday except for the short while spent training with Orochimaru. Soon enough Sasuke began to resent being alone and longed to see someone, especially Naruto. Therefore, he spent his time distracting himself once again, with training and anyone he could lay his hands on, and it was working, for the most part. At this point Sasuke had admitted to himself, although still not fully accepting it, that he was in love with Naruto. Not even as in friends or brotherly, he truly loved him.The kind that no matter how far apart they were or how long he'd been away, it was still there. He still thought of him, every time he closed his eyes he was there. He barely slept, imaging all the different outcomes and possibilities that could have arisen if he had only stayed and been true to himself sooner.

Sasuke's POV:

It wasn't long ago Kabuto and Lord Orochimaru left mumbling something about meeting Sasori. Or so I thought, time's different here. Each minute feels like an hour, an hour like a week. Alone, dark, deluded. But you get used to it.

After what felt like a millennium, they returned, with someone not much younger than me.

"You're late" I growled.

I scanned the boy instantly noticing Konaha's symbol on a headband, reflecting the small amount of light in the dim, eerie room. An image of Naruto suddenly entered my mind, panicking me. Who is this guy, and why is he here?! I've never seen him before, he must be from the ANBU. He smiled, cheekily as Orochimaru spoke, probably introducing me. It's unusual for the rare visitors to not be terrified, but he seemed fine.

In a moment of reflex I put him under a genjustu making him drop to the floor. However, Lord Orochimaru quickly forced me to ease up on him. So I reluctantly released it, partially interested in what he had to say. But I couldn't focus, I blanked out, staring into the abyss until I heard Naruto's name being mentioned. He knows him, he knows Naruto?! Memories flashed through my head. Why? Why now?! After everything, all the meaningless attempts to forget him. Naruto...

I plodded away, trying not to attract attention to myself, which is unsurprisingly hard in a desolate hideout. I couldn't be suspected for being effected by the mere mention of his name.

I reached my empty room. A single torch lit the room which held a bed and a desk. Alone once again, left with my torturing thoughts. I wonder, if Sai's here because of him, has he come to get me? I mean, by what he said they're pretty good friends. Just as we were... I suppose he was my replacement. He seemed a better me anyway, he'd smile and take part in their silly, immature pranks and games.

But that still doesn't answer why he here?! After I left them, he must've replaced me, then he leaves... and to the same person as I?! Did he not even consider them?! I sighed, it's useless. I know they've forgotten me, it's been almost 3 years, there's no use trying to change that.

After a while I decided to make the most of the skinny boy, going by the name of Sai, while he was here. It wasn't often we had visitors especially good-looking boys, my age. I strolled to his room, entering without warning to see him sat on the bed facing the wall. I didn't waste any time.

"Oh, you again, how pleasant" he smiled, as if mocking me.

Nevertheless I creeped behind him and sat on the bed, before inspecting every inch of his beautiful flat stomach and hipbones, with my hands. I felt his breath hitch and he held it, seeming almost afraid... or maybe excited? Being constantly alone, you loose the ability to read others emotions. I sighed. He said nothing, but smirked. It was fake, I could see that much, but still good enough for me.

I crawled over him until I was directly opposite him. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him roughly, showing no mercy. He seemed reluctant at first but eventually succumbed to the temptation. There was no spark, not like Naruto. But thats why I was here, to forget him, just as he forgot me. I deepened the kiss and my tongue battled with his until dominance was mine. I hastily pinned him to the bed, and stripped him of his top. He grinned still, but I was not satisfied. I closed my eyes and before long was imagining Naruto beneath me. My hands running through his beautiful blonde hair, kissing him passionately, exploring his perfect body. I opened my eyes in shock. If anything this was worsening the situation. I sat up suddenly, snarled at Sai and stormed out of the door.

Don't you forget it~ SasuNaruWhere stories live. Discover now