Chapter 1: The Beginning

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             Rain pounded on Zach's window as he stared at the thick and gray afternoon clouds. Patches of sun shone through adding a heavenly effect. And to think Zach's dad plans on going camping! "I'm like 16!!" Zach thought as he looked into the clouds. "Why the hell would I like camping!!??" He had a point because Zach couldn't even go 2 minutes without gaming or being online. "We hardly talk son! We should spend some quality time together." His dad would say, so it makes perfect sense to go in the woods and get mauled by bears!! Point is camping ISN'T what Zach calls quality time together. In fact he rather be tortured than kick off his summer being bored as shit in the damn woods!! Zach looked up as his dad walked into the room. "Hey Zach letting you know that rain or shine we leave in half an hour" he said. A torturous groan escaped Zach's throat. His dad grabbed his hair messing up his comb over, his face turned a light pink. But his voice was was calm and steady, "Listen we are going to have fun, just us guys you know," he said winking and rustling his son's hair. The discussion was just about over considering the fact that his dad is totally ignoring everything he's trying to say. His dad took a deep breath in then clapped his hands together. "OK kid-o get ready" he said as he exited the room. Zach's head was still in the clouds, the rain had stopped but the gray clouds still remained. The room suddenly went cold, Zach could see his breath. "What the hell!!!???" he said frost began to build around the window pane which began to crack as the cold because more intense. Zach began to drift a strange drift into the cold, his room seemed to be gone Zach now faced a creature beyond belief. A cloaked hooded figure engulfed in purple aura that oozed evil. Zach's eyes darted looking around, Zach moved his lips as if to say "Where am I?" and then it was clear. Clear he was probably going to die, it was clear that Zach was no where, trapped in a void of energy. The creature moved forward he extended a hand and then a dark red neon plasma matter began to form into a dense and compact ball. His face remained cloaked in darkness. "Boy when you meet death tell him that yours  could have been avoided, had he have given us the power we seek!!!" his undead voice hissed. Then the plasma matter launched from his finger tip whizzing through the void.

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