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I woke up to the sound of my raging alarm clock, "Hey Get up B.I., my room mate," Donghyuk says.
"Uggh fine, go fix breakfast, while I go shower."
"Fine, he walks into the kitchen singing "Energetic" by Wanna One.
I have to admit, he has amazing vocals, "You sound great, I say. Why don't we start a group?"
"I don't know, plus you're also a great rapper/vocalist as well," DK says.
"Thanks Man." I walk into the bathroom to take a 15-30 minute shower. After I'm done, I put on a hoodie and sweatpants and make my way to the kitchen.
DK had prepared an Ham and cheese omelette. We both sat down and started eating. "This is good Dong," I say.
"Thanks,he says smiling. You can cook tomorrow?"
"You wish, I can barely cook an egg, I say. We can invite Yunhyeong to cook, he's studying to be a chef. "
"Why would he cook for us? He's not our own personal chef, DK says. I'm the real chef here."
"Pfft, You call yourself a chef? I just ate "food," I say with a smirk on my face.
"Whatever, he says rolling his eyes.  Let's get to class."
I walk to our dorm room's door opening it with DK right behind "Come on Master Chef Donghyuk," I say smirking mildly.
He gives me a deadly glare before saying "Be lucky you even have someone making you breakfast."
We both walked out the dorm room, me going to the right and DK going to the left.
DEAN university was one of the biggest universities with multiple opportunities and courses for you to take. Whether you're into Politics, Literature, Engineering, Foreign Languages, and of course Music, which is what I'm here for. I've always wanted to be an singer, songwriter, producer and a rapper. I have been writing songs since a very young age and currently still work on them till this day. My favorite song I've written so far is "Love Scenario." Although I've never been deeply in love yet, I've watched a few romances here and there to know how to write a song about it. I just need some other people vocals to be on the song. Maybe I can ask my pals in music class.

 Maybe I can ask my pals in music class

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