chapter 1

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Lexi's pov

"Lexi! LEXI" Nash said

Magcon was today and my brother yes Nash Grier is my twin brother is taking me since I am some what vine and YouTube famous. Not as famous as him though, I have about 2k followers. So bart called saying that he'd like me to become part of magcon.

"I'm up , I'm up ok" I shout at him

I'm not a morning person.

"We leave in a hour do all your girly stuff and be down stairs" Nash said as he left my room.

I get in the shower. I look down at my wrist and see all yhe new and ols scars. I remember all the comments that were put on Nash's first posts of me. "UR TO UGLY TO BE HIS SISTER" "eww shes ugly go kill urself" Nash told me not to worry about it but what if their right? Nash is the best do I even deserve him as a brother? With all the questions still in my mind I turn of the shower and get out.

Once I'm out I get out I get dressed in a black sweats and a red magcon sweatshirt Nash had given me. I blow dry my hair and put it in a messy bun an then put on my black vans .


I go down stairs and skylynn runs into my arms.

"Lexi I'm going to miss you so much !!"

"Im going to miss you too princess" I say as I kiss her forehead.

Our mom made pancakes this morning our last homemade breakfast before we leave to Chicago. After we finished we jump in the car and leave to the airport.


"Flight 126 is now boarding" the lady over the intercom says

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much " My mom says joining us in a group hug

We run and board the plane .

Chicago here we come !


this is my first story on wattpad !!!!

sorrry if it sucks


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