Strawberry Compote

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Things you'll need:

4 boxes of strawberries

½ cup of water

3-4 cups of sugar

A shit ton of Band-Aids


1.) Grab as many people as you can, preferably family or friends

2.) Force them to pick the leaves off the strawberries and cut them into chucks.

3.) Everyone place the chunks of strawberries into a saucepot and throw the leaves away.

4.) Now use the Band-Aids to cover all the cut enquired while haphazardly cutting fruit.

5.) Put the temp on medium high and pour ½ cup of sugar on the strawberries.

6.) When the strawberries seriously start bleeding pour more sugar, if the strawberries don't bleed within 3 minutes then pour some of that water into the pot.

7.) Take a wooden spatula and squish the strawberries to further breaking them down.

8.) Add sugar and water periodically until the compote thickens

9.) After all the sugar has dissolved and the strawberries are broken down take the pot off the heat and let it sit till it reaches to a warm temp between 90-100 degrees.

10.) Now add this to any dessert you want, be creative like ice cream, yogurt, cake, or even your PP&J sandwiches (this is pretty much jam anyways).

11.) Enjoy!

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