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*the above pic is of Justin *
Kim Justin, the only son of Kim Se Joo, Ceo of GK group, one of the leading companies in the world. Of course he was born with all the lavish and silver spoon fed things the second he was born. You may also think that having such a rich background means having all love you and getting things without even asking for it. But this wasn't the case of Justin. Sure his parents loved him and had various dreams for him, but they also knew where to draw a line to those things so that he may not be the typical spoiled rich brat.
       Kim Justin, words won't be enough to describe his beauty. Of course he was ladies' man but not really the playboy type. His smile was as if it's carved by the Greek Gods themselves. The way his eyes sparkle when something amuses him. The way he bites his lip to tease someone. The way his eyes enlarge when he's scared or not sure of something. He had a box type smile. The smile that can make even a crying person to smile.He was an open book of expression which never failed to amuse people. He had a goofy, fun loving nature. Everyone who knew him adored him. He was the type of person who couldn't even hurt a fly but if someone said anything to his loved ones, he wouldn't think twice before beating them into a pulp. He was friends with everyone because of his nature.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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