This is the first book. Too lazy to undo all this

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Chapter 1: Devin Brooks

I stared at my textbook as Mr. Devlie rambled on about the Great Depression. I remembered learning about this in seventh grade, so I didn't understand why we had to relearn it in senior year. We were always relearning things and analyzing things closer as we get older. I didn't really care about that stuff, I just wanted to go home, curl up on my bed and play video games. School was almost over and I was just about ready to have enough of this useless info.The sound flared in my ears and everyone jumped out of their seats and sprinted out of the classroom. I began to clean up my stuff as Adeline walked over to me. I picked up my backpack and we headed out.
Adeline and I have been very close friends since I could remember and we are neighbors too. She has really long, shiny, brown hair that she always pulls back in a tight ponytail. Her braces are always blue and she was wearing her usual skinny jeans and P!NK long sleeved crop top, with her white converse. She's alway finding some way to help me. As we walked down the steps, I heard the shouts of two familiar voices. Adeline and I stopped dead in our tracks. She looked me in the eyes,
"Run." She whispered. We turned around and ran back up the stairs down the hallway. I heard the footsteps getting closer,
"Devin! Oh, Devin!" The voices called. It was difficult to keep up with Adeline, she has always been better at these things.
"Devin, we know your here!" Another voice called, I know if they caught me, they would beat my ass. Adeline stopped me for a second,
"Go, I'll hold em off." She assured me. I trusted Adeline as I ran in the opposite direction. I saw Jordan and Ajax stop when they came up to Adeline.
Yes, I was afraid of Ajax and Jordan. They "Jocks" and they hate kids like me, I'm a nerd, or a geek, I don't know. But they didn't like me, regardless of what I am. I remembered when they first started picking on me, it was freshman year. They were transfer students from some school for "bad" kids. I was sitting and I was reading Harry Potter. They snatched the book out of my hands and threw it across the room. I learned real quick what I could and could not do around them. But even when I tried to change everything that could be wrong about me and to try to do everything right they still find some possible way to screw up my life.
I finally decided I was safe from them when I was out in the courtyard surrounded by multiple others. I scanned the crowd for her. I saw her jet black hair draped over shoulders and she was bating her mesmerizing eyelashes. Her white T-shirt was loose and showed just enough of her shoulder to give me confidence to go talk to her. Just when I was about to start walking over, Adeline had caught up with me.
"Oh, hey, Addy." I said. For some reason, she seemed annoyed that I was looking at Taylor. Well, she always is, I don't know why.
"So you're gonna go over an try to talk to Miss Tay Tay again?" She asked sarcastically. I nodded,
"Yeah, any advice?" I questioned, not really expecting an answer, keeping all my focus on Taylor,
"Give up." I paused my train of thought,
" Sorry, I think I misheard you, Did you say Giv-"
" Give up," She said again, " She isn't worth it and she's using you. I know you don't believe me but why would I, of all people, lie to my best friend?" I suddenly felt guilty, but the guilt faded when I saw Taylor coming my way, smiling that seductive smile of hers that makes all my problems and worries disappear. She flipped her hair and the light was hitting her skin just right. She looked indescribably beautiful.
" Hey, Devin. Can you please........" I completely zoned out of what she said as she handed me a stack of papers.
" Yeah, sure thing, whatever you want, Taylor." I stuffed the papers in my bag and watched Taylor walk away.
"Wow." I mumbled to myself. I glanced at Addy,
"Isn't she great?" I asked. Addy rolled her eyes,
" C'mon Lover boy, lets go." We walked down the sidewalk to our houses. When I went to turn and go Addy grabbed my shoulder,
"Hey," She whispered,
" Just be careful about Taylor, ok?" I nodded and turned.
" And don't forget to set your alarm or I'm gonna beat on your windows, we got a big day tomorrow!" I smiled, I almost forgot about the field trip.

Chapter 2: Adeline Terros
I looked across the room at Devin. He was fiddling with his pencil in the cute way he always does. Devin kept looking at his watch, I guessed he was ready to go see Taylor like he always does. I wish he wasn't so into her, I don't even understand why either. She literally uses him to run errands for her. Anyway, class was almost over, as well as the school day. When the bell rang everyone scrambled out of the classroom. I stayed in my seat until everyone was gone, I then finally got up and walked over to Devin, who was still getting his things together. I had known him since we were babies, our parents were old high school friends and we lived right next to each other. I used to think of him as just a friend until we were in the seventh grade when I started to fall for him and I really do think that I am in love. But, he isn't interested in me, he has had a huge crush on Taylor forever it seems and it kills me.
We exchanged no words as we exited the classroom into the hallway and began down the stairs. It was quiet as always in the stairway until I heard a haunting sound of familiar shouts and stomps. I looked at Devin,
"Run." I said sharply, we turned and ran back up the stairs. I could hear them gaining on us, they were yelling and threatening Devin. About halfway across the hall way, I grabbed Devin's shoulder,
"Go, I'll hold em off." I announced.
"You sure?" He questioned, I nodded and he ran to the end of the hallway where there was another staircase to escape down.
Ajax and Jordan have been bullying Devin since freshman year and are still going strong in senior year. I always act different around them, like a slut some would say. I only did this to manipulate them into doing things I want. Even though they already had girlfriends they still have sex with every girl they can. They are trying to with me, but I am not going to let that happen, my heart belongs to Devin.
They stopped when they came up to me,
"Hey, Adeline." Ajax said, slipping his arm around my waist, pulling me toward him.
" Where did that loser, Devin go?" Jordan asked, pulling Ajax off of me.
"Devin? What about him? I don't think he was here, they were some geek freshman running around, but I didn't see Devin." I lied. Jordan smirked and pulled me toward him,
"Thanks, Addy. So what are you doing Saturday night, next week?" I rolled my eyes,
"Aren't you dating Rylee?" I asked, innocently.
"She doesn't have to know, plus she's a slut anyway." I gasped, laughing. Ajax crossed his arms and stood against the wall. I pushed myself away from Jordan,
" I'll get back to you on that, I gotta go." I turn to leave but Ajax grabbed my arm,
"Not before you give me something I want." I was annoyed, Devin owes me big time.
"Fine, you have ten minutes." I sighed. Ajax pushed me up against the lockers and began to kiss my neck. I looked at Jordan and he was so jealous, it was hilarious, he was gonna kick the hell out of Ajax.
Ajax's hands were all over me and I absolutely hated it, ten minutes later I pushed him off of me and strutted away. I went down the stairs and out in the courtyard where Devin was waiting for me, or so I thought. He was actually waiting for Taylor, he was standing there staring at her like his life depended on it. I couldn't believe him, why is he so obsessed with her? I admit, I am jealous, not of who she is, just that Devin is into her.
"Oh hey Addy." Devin said.
"So your gonna try to talk to Miss Tay Tay, again?" I questioned, annoyed. Devin looked back at me, not noticing I was being sarcastic. He flashed a huge glistening smile at me. I couldn't help but smile back. But then he said,
"Yeah, any advice." I rolled my eyes. He stared intently at her.
"Give up." His smile faded,
"I'm sorry, it sounded like you said Giv-" I cut him off,
"Give up, she is not worth it. You know she is using you, why do you continue this? I don't care if you believe me or not, but why would I , your best friend, who you've know all you life, lie to you?" I was finally getting to him but then Taylor had to ruin it. She was stalking our way and that is when Devin went numb and was trapped under her "spell".
"Hey Devey!" She said in her high pitchy voice. Devin was literally drooling. I was so done.
" Could you please take these and complete them before next Wednesday?? Thanks, bye" She walked away and Devin just stood there in awe, mumbling something to himself.
"Isn't she great?!" He was so hypnotized.
"C'mon lover boy, we gotta get home before your mom gets mad at me for getting you home so late." We walked down the sidewalk to our houses. Devin turned to leave, but I felt I needed to warn him at least one more time.
" Just be careful about Taylor, ok?" He nodded. As he left I yelled,
" And don't forget to set your alarm for the field trip or I'll come beating on your windows."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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