Name: Auburn Blaire Smith
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Blood type: O-
Birthday: June 24
Horoscope/Star sign/Zodiac: Cancer
Family: Deceased
-Clinically insane
-Second in command of the south clan
- Mostly goes to Ethan for anything
-"Rescued" by Ethan
-Normal and Mental sides flicker
- Favorite things are swivel chairs and Ethan
Personality: Insane, gets nervous easily, laughs a lot, pouts when her plans do not work out, a tease, rebelious.
Normal side: Usually a deep thinker, logical, easily frustrated, concerned if someone gets hurt.
Mental side: Can be seductive ( rare ), Laughs easily, killing sprees anyone?, adventurous, does not like to be wrong.