The Bet to Break My Heart (A Jack Gilinsky Story)

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Jack Gilinsky's POV

Everyone knew about the new girl. We usually don't get a lot of new kids, especially attractive ones. I watched her walk into my study hall period. She was nervous, I could tell. She held her binder close to her chest and looked at the ground. She sat at an empty table and opened her binder to draw, well that's what it looked like. 

"Dude.." One of my friends, Matt, said. We were all watching her. 

He continued. "Think I can get it?" He laughed and Mahogany pushed him.

Me and my friends are kind of the IT group of our school. Avon High School is such a stereotypical school. Jock hang with jocks, Losers hang with losers, etc. In our group there was me, Jack Johnson,Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, Mahogany, Jacob Whitesides, Shawn Mendes, Aaron Carpenter,Taylor Caniff, Carter Reynolds,Matt Espinosa, and the new freshman Hayes Grier who would remake our group are we graduate.We sat in our study period in the back of the library. "I want her" narrowing my eyes in her direction. She was completely oblivious to the fact that we were staring to her, she was in her own little world.

"You could never get her." Nash laughed.

"Wanna bet?" I smirked at  him before looking back at the new girl.

"I bet you can't get her in bed." Taylor said.

"You're on boys..... Don't underestimate me." I ran a finger through my hair.

"You have one month. Get her to sleep with you and we will do whatever you want, you loose, you do whatever we want to do." Johnson said looking from me to her.

"You boys are making this too easy." I smirked as I got out of my seat to go make my move to the new girl.

 "Just don't fall in love." Matt shouted and the boys howled with laughter.

I, Jack Gilinsky, do not fall in love.

Emily Harring

I should be used to this by now. I continuosly move due to my mothers work. This is the third time I switched schools this year. Mom says we're here for good, I wish I couldtrust her on that one. I sat in my study period, drawing a little. Ignoring the rest of the world. I didn't know how to feel about this school. It was very.....divided. There was no mixing. Losers stayed with losers. Jocks stayed with jocks. The thing is I don't know what I am. I don't fit-

My thoughts were interupted by a boy sitting down at my table. I smiled at him and closed my notebook.

"Uh....hi?" I said looking at him. He was attractive. Very attractive.

"What's your name gorgeous?" He gave me a sly smirk.

I raised my eyebrows slightly at the gorgeous part."Emily" I simply said.

"Well, Emily, My name's Jack. Jack Gilinsky." He leaned in towards me, resting his elbows on the table. His muscles flexed andcould make any girl drool due to the tank top he was wearing. 

"It's nice to meet you Jack." I laughed a little.

"Well, your boyfriend isn't gonna get mad for me talking to you, right?" He asked and I immediately rolled my eyes.I've met boys like this. Players. They always know the right thing to say.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"Well, I assume someone as beautiful as you would have a boyfriend." He flirted with me.

"Hmmm" I said before half laughing."Oh, Jack. If you want to flirt with me, you might want to try a line I never heard before." I smiled widely. "It was good meeting you." And as if planned, the second I got up, the bell rang. I held my binder close and walked out towards my next class.

Jack Gilinsky was just some hormonal guy like the rest.


Jack's POV

Damn it. Now the boys will tease me.

"Shit dude you got REJECTED!!!" Taylor says.

"Dude, STFU." I say kiddingly (or was I)

I noticed she's different from the rest. Like I'm not fallng for her or anything but damn she got me.

Emily's POV

That was awkward. First, Luke then him. Wow. Am I really that attractive?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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