Fandomstuck Part One: The Birthday

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Today, a young man stands in room. Today, the fourth of March, happens to be his this young man's birthday. Though it was 26 years ago this fandom was created, only today will he be given a name!

What will this young man's name be?

===> Enter name.

Your name is GORILLAZ FANDOM, and as mentioned before, it is your BIRTHDAY, though no one really seems to care. A few BIRTHDAY CARDS are scattered across your room. Though you have quite a PLETHORA OF INTERESTS, you seem to have a burning desire for MUSIC, MOST OF WHICH YOU WRITE YOURSELF. You also like SPEAKING YOUR MIND ABOUT TODAY'S MEDIA, but you're so soft spoken that no one seems to notice. You have a crippling fear of WHALE PEOPLE and tend to faint at photos of whales (which was learned after a very awkward boat ride with your chums). You are also believed to be SATANIST, but no one really has any proof. No one knows anything about you actually. You just arrived at someone's door in a FedEx crate and here you are. Your chumHandle is overstimulatedAddiction and you can't ever get ta speakin' right wif ya accent.

What will you do?

===> Gorillaz: Quickly peek outside your door to check for the other members of your house.

You trip over many items carelessly thrown on your floor, almost breaking your trusty mask. It was created just for you after the El Mañana incident and ended up scorching your eye, to cover up the unsightly blemish. You decide to carry it with you, for no discernible reason other than to have it for company. Wait, you were supposed to QUICKLY check for the others! You dash to the door, peeking out and looking down the hallway leading to the first floor. It's oddly quiet.

===> Gorillaz: Go check out the scene.

You leave the chaotic mess that is your bedroom and head downstairs, only to find an empty den. Of course, the one special day of yours they leave. Quality friends, you think.

===> Gorillaz: Go outside.

In this weather!? It's raining cats and dogs outside, are you mad?! Well, maybe you are. Probably because of your alcohol problem and habit to pop sleeping pills like they're candy. But that's beside the point, you are not leaving the house. As you turn, you notice something on the side table.

===> Examine said something.

It's a letter, of course. You should've known. As you look inside, you know immediately it's one of the women who occupy the house with you. The fancy cursive handwriting was unmistakable. She had a French name you could never really pronounce, so you just called her "Les" for time's sake.

===> Gorillaz: Read the card, you dolt.

"Dear Gorillaz:

We are terribly sorry we have stepped out, but earlier today, while I was checking up on you all, I noticed Gravity Falls had gone missing. I decided to rally up the others and go on a search for him. The only reason I didn't bring you along was because I didn't want you to be bothered with a monotonous search for a small boy to be your birthday present. Hetalia baked you a cake and it's in the kitchen. Help yourself to it. We should be back soon.

With love,

Les Misérables."

Well, looks like the slippery bugger is gone again. GRAVITY FALLS, one of the many other fandoms in your household, had a tendency to run off a lot. The kid had a small attention span and loves the woods, what can you do? You decide not to worry about the search and focus more on the cake. You should get some now, you're actually pretty hungry.

===> Gorillaz: Enter kitchen.

As promised in the letter, there is a CAKE waiting for you. Excellent. You cut yourself a slice, and head back to the living room when you feel a vibration coming from your pants.


You set down your piece of cake and pull out your iPhone. Who in the name of Kong is texting you now!?

===> Gorillaz: Answer the guy.

------ adventurousHoodlum [AH] bagan pestering overstimulatedAddiction [OA] ------


OA: uh kid, ya know the others are lookin' fer ya?

AH: Well Duuuuuh!! 

OA: well uh, you should be com-- wait wha?

AH: I don't want them finding me though. I need to be super duper alone right now.

AH: Uh, we.

OA: we?? who are ya wif?

AH: Can't talk now, he needs me!!

OA: kid, who needs ya?!


------ adventurousHoodlum [AH] ceased pestering overstimulatedAddiction [OA] ------

OA: ..........


THAT KID IS TESTING YOUR NERVE. Who is "he" anyways? Ugh, you swear if he went off on his own again with those "magical creatures" of his, you will lose it.

===> Be the kid.

You are now the kid.

                               ------------------------------END OF PART ONE---------------------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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