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The past week has gone by so quickly is what I think whilst I'm getting ready for prom. I quickly apply some lipgloss and curls to the ends of my hair. I mean I remember the start of the year and I remember failing most my classes but look at me now. I remember despising Grayson Dolan with all my heart but now I love him and can't imagine being without him. I slip my heels in and then walk down stairs to see Dylan waiting for me.
"You look handsome" I say and I can tell he is going to turn around and say something witty but when he sees me he stops and stares
"Dyl?" I ask after a while
"You..you you look amazing ellie" he finally says and I Awh at him.
"Thanks dyl" I say hugging him. My dad takes a picture before we leave and of forest we have a serous one and hen about 100 goofy ones but that's just me and dyl.

We decided to just meet everyone there and we would all go separately but me and Dylan wanted to go together so we did.

We finally arrive at the small hotel where prom takes place. Every year prom is here. It's such a lovely place. It's not a big place so you can't really go wondering off but it's big enough to hold us all in. Me and Dylan put out masks on before linking arms and walking in together. My mask is a deep red and looks rather seductive. As me and Dylan walk in I feel like all eyes are on us for some reason. I can see a few boys smirking at me and some girls checking Dylan out. I wonder if anyone realises it's us. And if they do they why are they looking at us like we aren't the losers that they have all called us for the past 5 years. My eyes scan the crowd trying to find the only person I'm really bothered about. Grayson. It's funny how he has that effect on me. I should be more focused on my friends and having a good night with them but I don't really care about that. I care about Grayson. I can't find Grayson or Ethan for that matter but Dylan spots Chloe and Izzy so he drags me off to where they are stood
"You guys looked so hot coming in" Izzy says
"Yeah like I was taken away" Chloe says and we both laugh
"You two look so pretty" I say and Dylan agrees
"You look gorgeous ellie doesn't she Izzy?" Chloe says but before Izzy can speak the doors slam open making everyone turn around. We are all looking at the door where people enter and leave. Three figures emerge. Two male one female. The two men are muscular and the girl is tall but skinny as hell. She is in the the middle of the two buys linking arms with both of them. I notice one of the boys eyes scanning the room as they all enter. Even though he is behind a mask I know them eyes for anywhere. It's Grayson. He is with what I'm presuming to be Ethan and Meredith. Of course they had to make and entrance like that I think rolling my eyes. I must emit both boys look handsome as hell and Meredith looks gorgeous but still somehow is pulling of looking like a straight up bitch. When they fully enter they walk over to a group of people and I can see Grayson's eyes scanning the room as Meredith let's go of him. He finally finds what he is looking for as his eyes lock on me. He shows no emotion at first but then a devious smirk takes over his face and I already know he has a million dirty things going through his mind. I roll me eyes and turn back to my friends who are talking about some random shit.

After the most boring speech stops and our headmaster steps of the small stage music blasts from the speakers and it doesn't take long for the students who I've spent what feels like my whole life with take over the dance floors with their friends. Izzy and Chloe go off to dance but me and dyl stay at our table.
"Do you think everything will be alright?" He randomly asks me
"What do you mean?" I ask
"I mean do you think everything will be alright in the future"
" time has yet to tell what is to come but honestly I think everything is going to be okay" I smile and he gives me a weak smile back
"What's wrong dyl?"
"Nothing I'm just scared. I have wanted to leave this school and the people in it behind so much but now we are here I'm now scared to leave. What if I don't get in to NYU what if I can't be what I want to be?" He asks
"Dylan it's not worth worrying about. I know your going to do well. I know it because I believe in you and I believe in us. We have had this plan for god know how long and we've worked so hard for it" I say and this time he gives me a real smile.
"Thanks ellie" he smiles
The next song comes on and I see Grayson stand up as he leaves his friends. He walks outside and I take that as a sign to follow him so I do
"Excuse me Dylan I need to go to the ladies" I lie and follow Grayson out side without even waiting for Dylan's response.
I follow the muscular man as he goes around the building to the outside patio where you can still hear the music but it's not as lout. He stops walking and stands completely still. I walk up to him and snake my arms around his waist
"You look handsome" I say and I can instantly feel his smile even tho I can see it. He turns around to face me and his eyes scan my body giving me shivers.
"And you look ravishing" he says and I blush at his over the top compliment. He pulls out of the position we are in and offers me his hand so I take it. I guides me to the patio and then he pulls my body into his and slowly starts swaying as we slow dance to the song that is currently playing.
"I never want this moment to end" he mumbles
"If I could stay here forever I would" I respond
"I know we are only young and we have our whole lives ahead of us but i can't wait to spend every waking second with you. I can't wait to get out of this town and start fresh and not have to hide how I really feel about you from everyone. I can't wait to do this in public" he says pulling away and lifting head up so I could look at him. He slowly leans in before placing his soft silky lips on to mine. We pull apart and I look deep into his eyes
"Promise what?" He asks
"Promise me that this is forever" I smile
"I promise you that this. Us. We are forever" he says pulling me back in to another kiss. I giggle making him smile
"What?" He says
" we are so cheesy" I giggle again
"Oh shut up" he says pulling me back in as we dance again

"Maybe we should go back inside before someone comes out looking for us" he says before pulling away but still keeping his fingered interlocked with mine.
He leads me inside and we sneak past everyone but no one is really looking. Everyone is just caught up in there own world. We sit at a table in the back and I watch my friends on the dance floor having a good time laughing and joking. I smile at them thinking how far they have all come.
"You can go with them if you want" Grayson says and my attention is now on him.
"I don't to be anywhere but here with you."
He smiles and leans back in his chair
"Fuck it" He says and gets up offering me his hand again.
"What are you doing" I say looking up at him.
"Come and dance with me again" he says
"But what if people look at us?" I ask
"Come on ell they are too caught up in themselves to notice us" he smiles and I shake my head before taking his hands
"You make me do crazy things dolan" I laugh as he pulls me into the dance floor and we start dancing to the upbeat song.

I laugh at Grayson as he does some stupid dance move to try and impress me but I can tell he is obviously joking. He does the same dance move again and I laugh even louder this time
"Your so stupid stop!" I manage to choke out. He stops and is about to come and grab me I can just tell. But someone turns me around so my back is facing Grayson and I am now faced with my four friends.
"Ellie there you are where have you been" Izzy asks
"Yeah we've been looking for you forever!" Chloe shouts over the music
"Sorry guys I got lost and then tried to find you but I couldn't so I just decided to come into the dance floor" I lie they give me a weird look but drag me into their little space so I can dance with thim. They must not have seen Grayson. I look back to see if he was still there but he wasn't.

As me and my friends dance and I catch up with Alex because I haven't seen him for a while I try and look for Grayson and see him with his friends but stood next to this girl who he is talking to. A wave of jealosy hits me and as he looks over to me I think he realises it. A he smirks and continues talking to the girl. Wait is he trying to make me jealous? He must be teasing me because he knows I would kill to be in the position that girl is in. But two can play at that game. I start dancing more with Alex occasionally glancing at Grayson who's eyes have never left me since I started dancing with Alex.

"Okay okay settle down" the headmaster says and the music dies down and we all stop whatever we are doing focusing our attention on whatever he is about to say.
"Okay So now for the moment you have all been waiting for- Prom king and Queen.!" Everyone cheers but I don't because I know it's pointless.
"Okay so prom queen goes to....
MEREDITH MIKELSON" what a surprise!
"And our prom king is...
ETHAN DOLAN" and get again what emptier surprise.
Everyone claps them on and I even give a sarcastic clap. I look over to Grayson who has now taken off his his blazer and I can see his muscles through his whit shirt and my god it's turning me on. I bite down on my bottom lip just focusing on him I blanc everything out including the cringe speeches that Ethan and Meredith are making. Grayson eventually notices me staring at him and I can already tell how smug he is feeling right now just by the look on his face. He flexes even more and somehow is doing it discreetly and I'd driving me insane. All I want to do is go over to where he is stood and smash my lips against us and have him take me now. But I obviously can't do that. I know he can tell I'm frustrated as he bringing running his hands through his silky brown hair. I wish that we didn't have to hide our relationship but people just wouldn't understand and not that I'm even bothered what people think it's more my friends. They wouldn't hate me and I don't think I could bare to loose them. Even though I am planning on telling Dylan I don't want to tell the girls because I just know they are going to be mad at me where as Dylan... he might understand.

I snap out of my thoughts and suddenly I can't see Grayson anymore as Ethan and Meredith dancing blocks my view.
"Of course they got it" Dylan says and I nod my head
"Who else would have. But Dylan if your that jealous you'll always be my king" I laugh. And so does he
"And you'll always be my queen" he says giving me a hug. God I hope he stands by me through all this
I decide I don't want to watch Ethan and Meredith dance anymore so I go off to get some water. As I'm stood at the drink stand someone grabs my hand dragging me outside harshly
"Grayson what are you doing?" I ask looking back to see if anyone saw
"Taking you any that skimpy dress to the nearest hotel" he says and I laugh as he pushes me into a limo. He jumps in the other side and tells the driver to step on it.

What are you doing Grayson ?!

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