A Secret Talent

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I have a talent, a talent that nobody knows about.

It started when I was 9 and I had run away from my family after they refused to let me go to a rock concert by myself. I know it was a stupid reason to run away but what can I say, I’m a very determined person. Considering we have no family in the neighbourhood, the only place I thought would be a reasonable place to stay was the giant shopping centre a few blocks away from our house.

Upon arriving, I snuck passed a security guard as it was 10pm, and ran to the first shop that I saw which just happened to be a music shop. I sprinted towards the shop without being seen by the tall, solid, mean-looking security guard and hid behind a pot plant. He gave the area that he had been patrolling one last, quick look with his flashlight, and then began walking to the food court. Luckily for me, that was in the complete opposite direction. It must have been my lucky day because the stupid owner of the music shop had forgotten to lock the front door. What a stupe!

As I slowly turned around after having lost my breath, I was blown away by what I saw in front of me. There, held up on the old, green wall, I saw it. A blue, sparkly, beautiful electric guitar that I knew was made for me. The soft greyish, blue colour of the guitar matched my eyes and the light, brown colour of the fret board was the exact same colour as my soft, curly hair. I fell in love with that guitar.

Immediately, being as quiet as I could, I grabbed the heavy chair behind the counter and dragged it so it was positioned underneath the guitar. I stretched my long slim body as much as I could until I finally could reach it. Carefully, I pulled it down from its stand and started strumming it. I grabbed the closest music book I saw, which was a ‘Guns N Roses’ book, and I started to teach myself some of the songs. It all came very naturally to me and that’s when my obsession for music began.

Clearly my luck had expired as the security guard decided to come back to this part of the all when he thought he heard some music. Busted! As you can imagine, I got in a lot of trouble when the security guard named, Leone, called my parents to inform them of my whereabouts. Great parents they are didn’t even know I was gone. I had been gone for 3 hours for goodness sakes.

The car ride home wasn’t very pleasant either. I got the biggest talk on how breaking and entering is a very serious crime and it was lucky that nothing was broken and the shop owner had decided not to charge as I was so young. We had been silent for a while until I finally broke the silence.

“Mum and Dad, I want to play the guitar and be in a famous band when I grow up.” I stated very happily with myself.

“Absolutely not young lady,” My father yelled. “People in bands are under achieving failures that have nothing better to do with their lives. You are going to become a doctor or scientist.”

“But Daddy I don’t want to become a doctor or scientist, I want to be in a ba—“I said before being rudely cut off by Father.

“Enough is said, your future is already set. We have your life planned out for you Myer, your job, marriage, number of children. It’s all set, now that is the end of the conversation.”

If there’s one thing I know about my father, it’s that what he says, goes so there was no way I could change his mind or continue the argument. What he couldn’t do though, was keep me away from my newly found passion, music.


“Myer honey, are you up?” Mother yelled from downstairs.

I am nothing like my mother, thank God! She has ginger coloured hair and big brown eyes. Her personality disgusts me though. She never has enough time for me, always working in our study downstairs when she isn’t fussing over my big brother Ted. He is the favourite child out of us two with his blonde hair, blue eyes exactly like mine, muscly body and he is on the football team but a goody two shoes around all adults, especially our parents. He is one of the most popular kids at our school. I on the other hand, am completely opposite to Ted. I’m a badass. For one, I don’t care what others think about me, two, I’m not a little fake bitch like the majority of the girls at our school and three, I don’t take anybody else shit. My long, light brown curly hair is always out, making a lot of people at my school jealous. My wardrobe pretty much consists of dark blue and black skinny jeans, various tops and lots of denim and leather jackets. With our parents being rich, I pretty much get whatever I want. The one thing that my life lacks though is my parents love. For some reason they have always despised me. I guess it’s because I’m not the perfect little princess that they want me to be. The day Hell freezes over and pigs fly past my window will be the day I’m that girl.

“Myeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, get up!” Mum screamed at me. “I better not have to come up there.”

“I’m going, I’m going!” I screamed back.

Very slowly, I pulled myself out of bed and dragged myself into the shower. When I got out I put on my favourite black skinnies, a fitted black shirt with ‘REBLE’ printed across it in big, red, bold writing. I pulled on a pair of matching red converse, fixed my hair and did my makeup. I never go overboard though, a touch of foundation, faded red lipstick and a tad of eyeliner. Mascara isn’t needed as my eyelashes are long, thick and black anyway.

When I finally got downstairs an hour later, I was greeted by our head chef Rico. He's cool, probably in his late 20’s or something.

“What would you like for breakfast this morning, young Myer?” He asked

“Um, I think a banana would do this morning thanks. I’m in a huge rush; I’m already 5 minutes late for my first day of year 11.”I told him politely.

“Sure! Better hurry up then Missy.” He said as he shoved a huge banana in my hand.

I quickly gulped down the banana and threw the skin at Rico’s face. He immediately erupted into a laughing fit as I ran out the door without even saying bye to my mother. I shoved on my helmet and climbed onto my brand new Kawasaki Z1000. I sped off doing 110 km/h in an 80 zone. Oh well I was late enough as it is. Guess I was keeping up my reputation by being 20 minutes late on the first day of school

When I finally arrived at Jesmond High, I parked my bike in the crowded car park. Good thing I ride a motorbike otherwise I wouldn’t have got a spot. As I quickly rush into my first class, maths. Oh God I hate maths. If maths was a person that I could kill guilt free, I would so totally kill it. I sneaked into a seat up the back next to my best friend Marc, hoping that Mr Reffo wouldn’t notice my being a whole 25 minutes late.

“Principal’s office Miss Jenkins, NOW!!!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. Jeez, he must have got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning! I don’t even know how he saw me.

Marc gave me one of his killer smiles as I grabbed my small handbag and walked out of the class.

“By the way Mr Reffo, I know this great laser hair growth place you could go to get rid of that bald patch that I couldn’t help but noticed you got a little balder over the holidays.” I told him as his face went bright red and the class couldn’t stop laughing. I even saw one of my brothers friends on the ground with tears in his eyes.

As I walked to the office, the lady there, Mary, who knows me so well now shook her head and asked me what I had done this time. I told her about my little comment to Mr Reffo and even she couldn’t help but chuckle. When I looked over my shoulder, I noticed a little year 8 boy walk in with blood gushing out of his nose. Ah I remember my days in year 8 at Jesmond high, what good memories. I remember the time I punched a year niner in the gut because he smacked my ass, he transferred to another school after that. Good times, good times.

“Myer, the principal will see you now.” Mary told me.

I got up and gave Mary a little wave as she wished me luck. I knocked on the door and went in and sat down on the chair in front of Mr Keyway. He looked up at me with his newspaper in hand and took the note in which had written my very serious offenses.

“Miss Jenkins, this is disgusting!” He quietly yelled. “First day back at school and within 30 minutes you are sitting in front of me. A weeks detention and if you say anything like this to a teacher again it will be a month’s detention plus a week’s suspension. Do I make myself clear?”

“Definitely Sir.” I said trying not to laugh at the priceless expression on his old, wrinkly face when he read what I said to Mr Reffo. While he was writing a detention slip, I was paying very close attention to his office. I never noticed but it had a very close resemblance to a hospital minus the beds and sick people.

“Now off to class and make sure you apologise to Mr Reffo when you get there.” He warned.

“Of course Sir, nice chatting with you.” I said very happily and walked out the door before he could say anything else.

Well what and interesting start to the year.


I hope you like this, first story ever, please comment and tell me if you like it. Btw this is going to be a story about music so don’t worry, it will come up soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2012 ⏰

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