{5} The Date

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I woke up in a fright as I heard a train roar past Ella's apartment, she lived on the other side of the train station and it was really noisy in the early mornings.

I looked to my left and looked in the mirror leaning up against the wall, i looked like a peice of trash, my face was really pale, yeah no make up face, i looked drugged because I had baggy eyes and my mouth and lips were really dry, last of all my always nice straight soft and silky brown hair had turned into a birds nest.

"Hey girl, you're awake" Ella smiled and sat down at the end of the bed.

"Yeah, the trains woke me" my morning voice croaked like a frog.

"Mm, it happens every morning" Ella sighed and rolled her eyes.

Bing bing

"Oh! You've got a text" Ella grabbed my phone and looked at the screen.

"El, give it back!" I laughed as I tried to snatch it away from her.

I got it back and read the message.

'Hey, how are you going, hope you're okay :)' - Niall

I bite my lip a little and smiled.

"Awh, whats going on, tell me girl" Ella smirked, looking at my reaction.

"Hm? Oh nothing at all, just, er, got a text from a old friend I havn't seen in years" i lied. "Do you have a crush on this old friend on yours? You seem pretty flirty you know" she grinned.

"No, Ella, don't worry" I sighed

'Good thanks, what about you? :)'

Bing bing

Ella and I glared at each other and than raced to my phone.

"Got it!" Ella cheered. She looked at the screen again and smirked. "Is this your old friend?" Ella said, as saying; 'old friend'.

"Okay, let me explain" I sighed. "Yes! Tell me" she said, holding my phone away from me.

"Well you see, I was with Gemma and I felt my phone fall out of my back pocket and than Niall came and picked it up and he gave back to me, i said my name and he did too and I was like, yeah I know you and he kept stuttering and we were blushing at the same time and than I saw him after that in a cafè, we talked for a bit, than he asked me if I'd like to go on a drive with him to Manchester which was yesturday, we had a lot of fun until he kissed me and I told him I didn't want to do this right now and i think he got really upset and now I feel really bad for him" I said it one mouthfull.

"Oh" was all Ella had said. "Do you lile him?" She asked.

"Yes" i sighed. "But I'm not ready, I sort of like him, he's really hot, lovely and caring, but i don't know" I finishes talking.

"Wait, whats his last name?" Ella asked, curiously.

"Horan" I answered and than she covered her mouth, making me smirk.

"No way!" She gasped. "I didn't wanna tell you, because I knew you wouldn't believe me" I smirked.

"Oh my god! this is amazing! Holy shit, i think I'm gonna cry" she said, making a tear fall down her cheek. "I need to find Louis and make him mine!" She squelled.

"I met him yesturday, he's really nice, all of them are" I stated.

"What?! You met my future husband?!" She ranted with excitement.

"Yes! He's very cute too, but not as good looking as Nialler" I chuckled. "Next time, you're going to see him call me!" She said squeezing my wrists tightly.

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