{17} Pregnant

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Two days later

I sat in the white hammick outside on the verander of Niall and my house, wearing sweats, a black shirt and red leather jacket, just thinking of what i was going to tell my husband, what if this ruins his how career?

I saw a white car pull up out the front of the house and i sighed. "Whats going on?! You have an infant inside of you!" Ella shouted out to me.

I jumped up and put my finger against my lip. "Sshh!" I spat, pointing towards the door. "Niall's in there" i whispered yelled.

"Oops" she quietly said, running over to me. "Doesn't he know yet?" He askes more quietly.

"No, he doesn't know and i'm going to be telling him soon" i slummed back down in the hammick and put my hand over the bump, softly rubbing it.

"Is there a bump?" He leaned over. "Yeah, it's not that big though" i told her, continueing to comfort my child.

Ella grabbed my hands and smiled. "Tell him, as soon as i step of this porch run inside and tell him that his going to be a dad, he won't leave you" she put a peice of hair behind my ear and gave me a hug.

She ran of the porch and down to her car, i sat up and swung the front door open. "hey babe" Niall smiled, taking a jug of his beer.

I walked over to him, standing besides the tv. "I need to tell you something Niall, it's very importnant so can you please turn the tv off?" I asked polietly as possible.

He frowned with confusion and turned the tv off. I looked at him and didn't say a word, he put his hands up and shrugged. "What is it?" He asked.


"Do you remember when we slept together?" I asked him. "yeah and what about it" he frowned and shook his head.

"Two days ago you told me to go rwst because i had really bad pains-" he cut off. "Zhanna, what are you trying to tell me?" He sternly said.

"I'm pregnant Niall" i let it slip out and he dropped his jaw, making a 'O' shape with his mouth. "Really?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, i got a test" i wiped my nose and looked down at me feet. "That's amazing" he smiled. "I'm going to be a dad" he laughed with happiness and tears of joy spilled from the brim of his eyes.

I swung my arms around him and he kissed me, rubbing my small baby bump. "Thank you for having my daughter or son" he smiled.

"You're welcome" i put my hand on his cheek and kissed him. I sat up off the couch and ran to the fridge, finding healthy foods for Niall and my baby to eat.

I ate a ceasar salad and had a glass of water, refreshing my dry mouth. "Is this why you've been eating like crazy?" Niall walked into the kitchen, placing his beer on the table.

"It's not me, it's the baby" I corrected him. "Blame the child" he laughed. I smiled and put the empty plastic container in the bin and put my empty class of water in the sink.

"Does the baby eat what you eat? Sorry, i didn't really pay attention in health class over the last high school years" Niall spoke.

"Yes, that's why i'm wanting healthyfoods, no alcohol, lollies, soft drink, chocolate and other junk, i'm eating dairy, meat, wheat and herbs along with water, juice and homemade berry smoothies" I explained.

"That's good, atleast you're making our child happy" he pecked my temple with his lips and walked back into the living room.

Bing bing

I looked down at my phone to see a received text from Gemma.

'You're pregnant?! Congrats baby xx'

'Thank you honey xx'

'Is it Niall's? xx'

'Yeah, of course xx'

'Cute :) xx'

I locked my phone and put it on the kitche bench and walked into the living room. "Niall, are you going to tweet about the baby?" I asked.

"Yeah, the fans will find out sometime" he shrugged. He pulled his phone out and tweeted all his fans, in about a few minutes, the fans went off.

'NO! This can't be happening! Niall why would you want to sleep with her?!'

'Ew! She's going to be super fat, LOL!'

'She's so ugly and you went inside of her Niall?!'

'That's so cute! Congrats @NiallOfficial and @ZhannaHoran'

'Awh! The baby will be so cute'

I ignored the hate and retweeted the lovely tweets, how gives a shit about fucking haters! Ugh!

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