{20} Cadence-May Horan

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I held my small little baby daughter to my chest, smiling at the fact that i just gave birth to a beautiful little girl who will always be mine and Niall's.

She had he small soft hand ball into a small little fist resting against my chest and her mouth closed.

God she looked just like her father, she was Niall all over.

I rubbed her small fragile body and rubbed her head as i watched her have a little snooze.

Cadence yawned and everyone thought it was cute. "Naww" says the girls. She had no teeth and a small pink tongue, I was so happy to hold my daughter in my arms for the first time.

"Can I hold her?" Grace asked. "Yeah, just don't drop her" i sighed, handing Cadence over to Grace.

"Hey Cadence, it's aunty Grace" she said, slowly rocking Cadence back and fourth.

The girls gently passed Cadence around the room until she got to the boys. The boys told Cadence that they where going to be her uncles.

"Hey babe" Niall said to me.

"Yes honey" I replied.

"Can I just have a father and daughter moment with Cadence for a few minutes?" He asked.

"Of course you can, she's your daughter as well" I chuckled.

Harry walked over to Niall and put Cadence in his arms. "Thanks haz" Niall walked out of the room and sat outside in the hall.

Niall Horan

Cadence, my beautiful baby girl, my daughter for the rest of my life, I love her so much and I couldn't ask for more, she was beautiful, just like her mother.

I sat down outside the room and held Cadence in my arms, she yawned and she slowly fluttered her eyes open.

"Mmm" she quiet groaned.

"Hey Cadence" I began.

"I'm your daddy and I will be for the rest of your life, I promise with all my heart I will take really good care of you, I love you just like your mummy, you will be loved and I will take a lot of responsibility for you, now, daddy is in a boyband named One Direction and they're a really big band, daddy might not see you a lot because he'll be away travelling around the world, singing to all his fans, daddy's real name is Niall Horan, your mummy will call me Niall but you will call me daddy, mummy and daddy are in love and they're married and my last name is Horan and so it your mummy's and your last is Horan as well, we're a family now and we all love each other and we take really good care of each other, because that's what families are for" I smiled as my eyes began to blur from my joyful tears, i can't believe i was holding my daughter in my arms for the first time and i didn't even think of becoming a dad on day but now i am and i'm very greatful for that.

Cadence gives me a little smile and I swear she just winked at me. "Did you just wink at daddy, Cadence?" I smirk a little.

She pulls her hand out and puts it on mine, she puts her fingers around my thumb and I smile big as a tear fell down my cheek.

"You are my one and only

And you can wrap your fingers 'round my thumb

And hold me tight and it'll be alright" i sang to her

She looks at me in the eyes and smiles again.

She had the same smile as me

She had big blue eyes and the same face as me, her lips were a pale pink and she had medium skin tone, I guess she got that from her mother.

From that day forward, I knew Cadence-May Horan was going to be a daddy's little girl.

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