{23} Hospital

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Niall Horan



It's now ten o'clock at night and it's been two hours now since Zhanna texted me. I start to panick, but my body tells me to 'calm down everything is okay' I take a deep breathe and sit on the bed and continue strumming the guitar.

My phone starts to ring. I put my guitar down and grabbed my phone, it was Zhanna. "Baby! I've been so worried where are you and Cadence?!" I said excitily, knowing my girls are okay. "Hello Niall, this is the London hospital speaking" my heart dropped and shedded into a million peices. "Hello, yes this is Niall, what going on?" I asked consurned. "Your wife, Zhanna is in hospital after she crashed her car into a tree" said the doctor.

My heart stopped, not literally, I wanted to throw my phone across the room and scream, but I couldn't do that. "Is she in bad condition? Any broken bones?" I ask him, trying to calm myself down. "No, she only has bruises and scratches, she's in a bit of pain, but nothing serious, so we give her some panadol to help her feel better" explained the doctor.

I let out a huge sigh of relief. "Thank you so much doc" I exhaled and ran my fingers through my hair. "What about Cadence?" I asked remembering that Cadence went with her for the day. "She's fine, we checked her and everything is okay" the doctor explained again.

I was happy, at least my wife and daughter arn't dead and they're alive. I thanked the doctor and put my phone away.

I grabbed my jacket from out off me and Zhanna's room, grabbed my keys and drove to the hopistal. I turned the heater on in the car, my hands where like ice blocks and so where my toes.

I walk inside the door of the hospital, to find Cadence sitting in a chair reading a magazine. "Cadence" I walked up to her. She put the magazine down and jumped into my arms. "Daddy!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and her tears strained my shirt. I lifted her up and her arms where still wrapped around me neck.

"Are you okay?" I said holding my daughter in my arms really tightly, I didn't want to let her go. "Yes, I'm fine, I've only got a scratch" she said rolling here sleeve up. She had a small red scratch with dried up blood around it. "Oh baby girl, your okay though" I gently rubbed her scratch and rolled her sleeve down.

I walk up to the reception desk and was greeted by a lady who looked like Zhanna. "Hello sir, how can I help you?" She asked. "I'm here to see my wife, Zhanna" I said shyly. "Room twenty four top floor" She smiled and gave Cadence a small wave.

I get to the top floor with Cadence and she begins to cry. "Daddyyy" she weeps and wipes her eyes. "Shh, daddy's here, your okay" I try not to cry in front of her because then she'll begin to panick. I look over my shoulder and find a machine full of teddy bears, unicorns and other soft toys she'll love. "Hey, wanna get a toy out of the machine?" I bent down and asked her.

"Yeah!" She squells as I grab money out of my pocket. "Shh! Come on baby girl" I picked her up and carried her over to the machine. "Okay which one do you want?" I whispered to her. "I want the unicorn daddy" she whispered back. "Okay" I put the money in the machine and grabs the unicorn.

I passed it to Cadence and she squelled. "Yay!" she hugged it tight as I put her down. "You like it?" I bent down and asked her. "Yeah! Thanks daddy!" She lent up on her tiptoes and kissed me on the cheek. "You welcome" I winked and kissed her head. "It's so fluffly, I could die!" Cadence shook her unicorn around in her arms. I snorted as I tried to hold in my laugh, it was pretty hilarious.

We start walking to Zhanna's room, every step I took, my heart beated louder and louder, thoughts rushed through my head and it felt like my stomach was going to fall out of my butt. "Cadence, you wait here for daddy" I commanded her to sit down on the chair outside of Zhanna's room.

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