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My shorts clung to the paleness of my legs while the crop top I wore was skin tight keep my breasts in place. I held my fists up looking ahead at Cyborg preparing to move. Cyborg stood watching me as I waited for him to cue me.

"GO!" He shouted as he clicked the timer. Robin swung out as I fainted to the right faking a punch. He shot his arm up to block. Quickly I swung my other fist only meet his hand. I jumped back and dodged several swings. My body jerked swayed and sunk avoiding each move. I stepped forward and swung out. He blocked as I jerked back hitting his gut with my other fist. He coughed and stepped back failing to dodge my next hit. My fists met his gut and jaw as I started to rain the strength I held upon his body. He swung his leg out to which I lept backwards landing on my forearms and sunk into a roll. My body was up before he could hit me. I sunk down and kicked his chest. I ran over and forced him down as I threw several fists into his arms. He held his guard up as I did. I panted gently then lept of landing in a crouch with my tail swaying. He stood as the timer went off.

"16.7 seconds it took for her to get you down on the floor." Cyborg called out. I rose up and stepped forwards holding my hand out at Robin. He looked at me holding his forearm that was most likely bruised now. He chuckled and took my hand shaking it firmly. I smiled and stepped back sighing.

"I can stay up longer than you!" Came Beast Boy's voice. I looked back with Robin as he scoffed. I wasn't usually someone who took challenges lightly. I grew up in a place if you didn't take on a challenge you would be beaten. Sighing I couldn't help myself and nodded to Cyborg. He smirked and reset the timer his eyes holding a glint of something special.

I wiped my head from sweat then stepped onto the mat as Beast boy jumped up smirking and stretching. I glanced to Raven smirking as she clapped her hands for me. Beast Boy ignored her taunts as I crouched down my tail swaying back and forth with anticipation.

Glancing to the Cyborg male I set my long nails on the floor waiting once again for the mark. Holding the timer up he hit the button and shouted out.

"GO!! " Beast boy ran at me shifting into a large gorilla never slowing down. His large fisted met the ground thundering towards her, his speed increasing. I chuckled and duck down. Beast boy reached me and I took his wrist into my grasp, throwing my shoulder into his chest.

Lifting with the best of my ability and all my strength and dropped him onto his back the clicking of the timer meeting my ears. Beast Boy sat stunned and the wind knocked from his lunges. Cyborg smirk and held the timer out to them.

"2.1 seconds. Easy take down. "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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