Extended Summary

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When Julia Doyle was young and naive, she had made many mistakes. She had done her best to fix her mistakes and hide them away. When her daughter was born, she thought for sure that she would be able to protect her daughter from her mistakes.

She was wrong.

Maya had always been a curious girl. She loved climbing and exploring, always wanting to see the world. So when she sneaks into her attic when her mom is gardening in the backyard, she finds a box. Wondering if there was toys or old jewelry inside, she opens the box.

But there was nothing in the box. Upset, she turns away, missing the smoke that comes out of the box and comes right for her.

It isn't until years later that Maya realizes that something had in fact been inside of the box. When the power suddenly explodes out of her in the middle of the streets of New York, illusions begin to spread across the city, so strong that no one can find where they're coming from, let alone get close enough to Maya to stop them.

That is, no one except Doctor Strange.


Jenna Coleman as Maya Doyle

❝What have I done?❞

Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Stephen Strange❝You're safe here

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Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Stephen Strange
❝You're safe here.❞

Other MCU Actors as Their Characters

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Other MCU Actors as Their Characters

Disclaimer: I do not own Stephen Strange or any other Marvel characters that may appear, they belong to Marvel. I do, however, own Maya Doyle and this plot and how I fit her into the MCU. Got a problem with that? That's unfortunate for you.

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