Extended Summary

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As far as Asgardians went, Solena was... weird. Aside from just being the Goddess of Prophecy, she was different from other Asgardians because of her curse.

Seeing the future had seemed like curse enough to a young Solena, but after an accident while training in the middle of the night, she learned that she differed from her fellow Asgardians in another way.

She felt herself die, she knew that she had. But in what felt like the next moment (but was really several hours later), she was waking up to her closest friends, Thor and Sigyn, barging into the training room to see her waking up, completely uninjured, in a pool of her own blood.

Just how many lives Solena had been allotted, she did not know, but each time she was fatally injured, it just wouldn't stick. Fate, and the future, had plans in mind for her, and they weren't going to let something as silly as clumsiness get in the way.

After many trials on Asgard, weird changes in her king and the absence of her oldest friend (the one she most definitely didn't have feelings for), Solena is surprised to see Thor return and reveal that the strange changes to her king, to Odin, were because he was actually Loki in disguise.

When Thor asks her to help him and Loki track down Odin, she can't tell him no. On Midgard, they recruit one more to their group, Loki's estranged wife and Solena's best friend, Sigyn, before coming face to face with Asgard's dark past, a new planet and the possibility of the destruction of their own home.


Rachel Skarsten as Solena
❝I don't know how much time I've got.❞

Chris Hemsworth as Thor❝You're just

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Chris Hemsworth as Thor
❝You're just... the worst.❞

Tom Hiddleston as Loki❝Yes! That's how it feels!❞

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Tom Hiddleston as Loki
❝Yes! That's how it feels!❞

Tom Hiddleston as Loki❝Yes! That's how it feels!❞

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Kathryn Prescott as Sigyn
❝I'm worried. And scared.❞

Other MCU Actors as Their Characters

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Other MCU Actors as Their Characters

Disclaimer: I do not own Thor, Loki or any other Marvel characters that may appear, they belong to Marvel. I do, however, own Solena, Sigyn and this plot and how I fit them into the MCU. Got a problem with that? That's unfortunate for you.

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