Chapter 1

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I was outside waiting for my drug dealer, and it's been 10 minutes after he was supposed to be here. "Ugh." Just as I saw a figure running up to me. 'Finally '. "Hey, you y/n y/l/n?" The guy said. "Yup that's me, now the good kush?" I chuckle, but he doesn't say anything and grabs two bags of weed from his pockets and hands them to me. I give him the money and start to walk off, but then I felt a cold hand on my wrist and pull it, I turn around to see my dealer. "Uh-" he puts his hand over my mouth and all I see is black...

I wake up in a bed with... my dealer? Wtf I don't even know this man and now i'm in bed with him? I get up, thankfully I have clothes on. I walk to the door and hear a groan. 'Shit' I turn around to see him, he looks up at me groggily and then smirks. "Why you up so early?" he says, "Alright first of all why did I wake up in bed with you and what's your name?" He chuckles then puts that stupid but dreamy smirk on, 'wait what shut up'. "Don't worry we haven't banged yet, but hi my name is Brendon, I brought you here because little teenagers like you shouldn't be having strong weed."

'tHiS bOi' "So it gave you every right to knock me out and take me to your home?" I cross my arms. "Well I didn't want you getting high on that stuff without me" he smirks. I stay silent "So do you want to smoke this?' he points at the pipe and weed. "Sure I guess." I rip open the bag of weed and get the pipe.

I fall on top of Brendon. "Shit sorry-" next thing you know i'm pulled into a rough but passionate kiss with him. I pull away by pushing myself off him. "Uh I should probably go home." "nOoOO don't go, come over here, I sorry that I kisssseddd youuuuu but you're sooo pretttyyyy~" he slurs. "Fine, I forgive you but no getting weird, OK?" he nodded and pulled me towards him looking up at his bloodshot eyes. 'wow what a fabulous look'.

Alright guys first chapter ey? Tell me what you think in the comments and any request what I should do for the next chapter

•a smoke• -a Brendon Urie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now