harry styles<3

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ou guys met when you were on a roller coaster. Harry offered to hold your hand and you two really hit it off from there. 

He held your hand tightly on the roller coaster as you plumented down. "I'm going to be sick!" he shouted.

You laughed the best you could. "Me too.."

After the roller coaster he dropped you and your freinds home since he insisted and your freinds were all 1D fans. He dropped you off last. "You wanna hang at mine for a while Y/N?"

You smiled at him, you wanted to say no but who could refuse that smile? "Sure thing."

He grinned. "Im making dinner tonight!"

You woke up in someone elses bed. It felt nice to be wrapped in someones arms. It smelt like coffee and aftershave. You hoped nothing had happened, nothing too serious. You turned over to see a sleeping Harry Styles. You were both naked... "Harry!" You screamed. 

He shot straight up. "What?!" He looked at you and softened. "Oh hiya babe. Slept well?"

You rubbed your head. "Did we...Uh?"

He laughed and held his hands up. "I dont know? Did we?"

You smiled. "Shut up Harry."

He ruffled your hair. "I know we only met but--"

"Lets pretend its love?"

He grinned. "No pretending."

**7 Months Later**

Harry held up another small kitten. And placed it in a row next to some others. Each had letters on.

You laughed. "Can I look yet?"

"No not yet babe!" He placed the last one down. "Done!"

You turned around to see loads of tiny cute kittens staring up at you. They spelt out 'Marry Me Y/N?" At the end harry stood kneeling with a ring in his hand.

Tears came to your eyes. "Harry thats adorable! And of course I will!" 

Harry jumped on you and you two play fought on the floor. "I love you soo much Y/N!"

"Me too! More than anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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