The Beginning

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"You've got to be joking, Sam,"

I said as I walked alongside my friend in the busy school hallway.

"Unfortunately, no. You're missing their comeback. Man, I feel sorry for you."

She replied, trying to keep a straight face. I rolled my eyes and turned towards her. Under the warm sunlight I could see her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Oh, hush up. Don't mock me. Tell me everything when I get back, okay?"

Even if I couldn't see her I would have been able to hear the smile that accompanied the words yet to come out of her mouth.

"Okay, promise. I will await your return, dear one, so that we may cry over the long awaited Burn the Stage,"

She said facetiously, waving her hand and turning away to jog in the direction we came from. Her shoulder length hair flew behind her as she gained speed.

"I gotta get to class. We'll talk later!"

I heard her yell as she quickly disappeared into the bustling crowd. I headed forward toward my own class, navigating through the clusters of students scrambling to various classrooms, my mind occupied by the thoughts of my expedition.

Namjoon walked down the dimly lit hallway thinking about the discussion he'd just had with his managers, his feet moving silently across the dark marble. Nervousness nibbled away at his mind as he opened the door to the rec room and almost instantly every thought about he had went from his mind as he was greeted by the stench of sweat.

"Jeez do you guys ever shower after practicing??"

He walked into the room and saw the familiar sight of his bandmates sprawled across the room. Jeongguk and Taehyung with one hand on Yeontan who was curled up on his lap and the on Jeongguk's chest as he was curled up against him. Both slept quietly on the smaller couch whilst on the other Yoongi and Hoseok were leaning over the large table in front of them, its black surface completely obscured by sheets spattered with newly thought out lyrics scribbled on them, their brows knotted in concentration, oblivious to Namjoon's appearance. Next to them Jimin clutched a book tightly in his hands, his eyes grasping every word on the pages with a face of utter engrossment.

"Ah c'mon Joonie, it's not like you showered either!"

Namjoon spun to find Jin with his sugar gliders on his shoulders, who leaned towards him and planted a soft kiss on his cheek as he smiled and walked past to sit next to the sleeping dongsaengs. He quietly settled next to Jeongguk and caressed the younger's matted hair away from his sweaty forehead and pet Eomuk and Odeng as they shifted closer to his neck. Namjoon felt a smile come on his face as he went to sit next to Jimin, who finally acknowledged him with a small hum without turning his attention away from the book.

"You got me there Jinie hyung. But I certainly don't smell as bad."

He said grinning as Jin broke into a smile. Hoseok, without lifting his head from the scattered sheets smiled and asked,

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