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Monsters will only come out during the night, so I'll be safe if I prepare for the fight.
I'm tried digging a very deep hole, but all I could find was some iron and coal.
Now I have torches and plenty of stone, I even killed a skeleton and got a bone.
Everything is going according to plan, and I will survive the night with this sword in my hand.
Crafting some iron armor I know I'll need, cuz without it I know I'll surely bleed.
Running out of daylight the sun is setting fast, I just hope I made enough porkchops to last.
And as the sun sets the light goes away, it's now time for monsters to come out and play.
Fighting zombies, skeletons, and spiders my sword holds true, and then a creeper shows up out of the blue.
SSSSSSS... creeper blows up and sadly I die, so it's time to respawn and give that another try.

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