Claimed by Darkness

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Sometimes, Dipper found it funny how things could change with time.

When he was twelve years old, he fought an inter dimensional triangle demon along with his twin sister, Mabel, his great uncles, Stanford and Stanley, as well as all of their friends.

Now, if it wasn't for that same triangle demon - which had now a human shape (a beautiful human shape even) - he would be all alone.

It took Dipper a while to figure out why he was unhappy, a few years actually. And the reason was simple: Because no one understood him and no one wanted to.

His sister, that he would have been ready to give up his life for, was constantly making fun of him, making him look lesser than he really was to anyone around them, including himself for a very long time.

Stanley was similar, never considering him good enough because he didn't use raw strength or punched things around like a "real man" should, he used his brain instead.

When it comes to Stanford, Dipper had thought that they were alike. They had so many common points and interests that they had to get along. Stanford even offered him to become his apprentice, and that made him the happiest twelve years old kid on the planet. He thought that his Great Uncle would open for him the doors of new marvelous universes, that Dipper was special and lucky to have such a teacher. But, first of all, Stanford is an egocentric jerk: Even someone with the same interests and qualities as his couldn't satisfy his interest for long, and he would eventually grow bored of the person. And second of all, Stanford eventually discovered something about his new assistant during one of their experiment. The old man saw something in Dipper's heart, like a growing dark spot. An unnatural dark spot. He quickly understood what it was: Pure darkness. And instead of helping him, he ostracized him, pushed him away like an abomination. As if it was going to help...

Dipper was pretty sure that if the man had a heart, it had turned into stone long before they met.

Not only was Dipper hurt by the rejection, but he was also scared by this darkness within him. That day, when he was alone in the forest, scared about what he was or what he could become, no one came to find him, reassure him, or tell him that it would be fine and that it was nothing... He remembers how he sat alone, in this cold clearing at night, how he thought that he had never felt so cold and so lonely in his whole life and how he ended up crying a lifetime of repressed suffering and loneliness. And, contrary to many believes, tears don't blind people: they open their eyes. It is only when you are choking with your own tears that you can realize the truth about yourself and others around you.

If there was indeed some form of darkness in his heart, it bloomed like a camellia at spring at this very moment.

There are two ways to handle a curse: you either die trying to lift it, or you embrace it like a blessing. Dipper chose the latter.

When he came back to the Mystery Shack, he stole the journals because he deemed they were his, took his other stuff and ran away.

Bill reappeared in his life shortly after. As he was alone and lost, he began to hear whispers and feel like someone was watching him. Then he began to dream about this attractive blond man who reminded him of someone, even though he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

At first, the visions were short and blurry. He could only briefly take a peek at this gold and black figure. Then, he started hearing the man speak, but he couldn't figure what he was saying.

And finally, the barrier separating them broke down as, during a meditation, Dipper managed to break into the Mindscape where he met Bill.

Of course, he freaked out at first. Dipper didn't exactly have very fond memories of Bill Cipher in mind, and that is an understatement. He tried to push him away, but Bill would come back in his sleep, asking for his help. He needed him, he told him, he needed him to bring him back. But Dipper refused, first, because it seemed to him like the worst thing he could possibly do and, two, because he just wanted to be alone. Or did he...?

Claimed by Darkness - Bill Cipher/Dipper PinesWhere stories live. Discover now