Part 1

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It was the end of summer, me and my family had just moved from California to Mississippi. I know you're probably thinking who the hell moves from California to Mississippi of all places, well my parents thought i needed a change of scenery, so here we are.

I guess I should introduce myself, hi I'm Max Jones, I'm 15 and a bit of an Emo. I mean i don't really think of myself of an emo I'm really just expressing myself and it just so happens to be in the form of mostly black clothing, colorful hair, and being a huge lesbian haha.

Yep. I'm as straight as a circle. And no my parents don't know, I'm pretty sure they would literally kill me if the found out. But honestly why name your daughter Max if you don't expect her to be a sorta kinda gay in some way. Anyway I think thats enough of an introduction, lets get into my life story starting now. 

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