Chapter 1

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April's P.O.V.

I sigh as I roll over and chuck my blaring alarm clock at the wall and it finally shuts up. I sit up and stretch. Ug school I think to myself. I hate that stupid place. S.C.H.O.O.L. Seven crappy hours of our lives as I like to call it. Anyways I stumble out of bed and walk over to my closet. I pull out a pair of white shorts and a flowy purple blouse and throw them on my bed while I go and get ready for the first day of school. I'm just doing this for my grandparents. And also a little for me. I've been shunned from my immediate family because of who I am. No I'm not gay, I just happen to be able to control the elements. Yeah I know, awesome right? Well not if your family hates you and you ran off to live with your loving grandparents. My grandma is a stay at home mom and my grandpa owns his own hardware store, and business is always good so that's a bonus.

They wanted me to have a fresh start and in a way, I did too. But here's the kicker: the school I'm going to hates anything dealing with magic. Yep and that's going to be my school for 1 more year because I'm a seinor at the moment. They accept werewolves and fricken vampires for gods sake but not the people with awesome powers. Dumb right? Anyways I step out of the shower and change into the clothes that were thrown on the bed. I dry my hair and leave it down in its brown natural waves. I put on a little make up to at least make me less of a zombie and go and get my gold gladiator style shoes. I check my reflection and I like what I see. I might be shunned from my family because of my powers but that doesn't mean I can't have fashion sense.

I go downstairs and I'm met with a plate of warm toast, eggs and bacon. I walk over to the table and place a kiss on my grandmas cheek and thank her before sitting down and eating.

"You look very nice dear." My grandpa says glancing over the top of the newspaper he's reading.

I mumble out something along the lines of "thank you" because I'm stuffing my face with amazing food like always.

"Don't talk with you mouth full." My grandma scolds me and I just nod. After I finish my breakfast I wash of my dishes and grab my back pack that's on the couch. I kiss my grandma's cheek again and my grandpa holds out his hand for a high five and I oblige. Just as I open the front door I hear both of them say bye and "I love you!"

"Love you too! See you later!" And with that I shut the door and head out to my car for the first day of school.


Drew's P.O.V.

"Get up!" I hear my sister say before a bucket of cold water is splashed on my head. I shoot up and glare at her while she runs out of my room laughing. I yawn and get up to get ready for my first day of school. Only one year until I'm out of high school and I take over as Alpha. Yes you heard me right. I'm going to be an Alpha meaning I'm a werewolf. The only thing that's missing is my mate. I haven't found her but my wolf, Derek, is a little happier today so who knows. After I finish taking a shower and getting dressed I head down stairs for breakfast. Before I can even reach the bottom, Monica, the girl who sleeps with everyone and rejected her mate because she wanted to keep sleeping around, comes up to me.

"What do you want." I say and she frowns a little before replying.

"You know what I want baby, how's about after school we have some fun?" She asks trying to be seductive but it just sounds like a dying cat to me.

"No." I bluntly say and push her out of the way. I laugh when I hear her huff and stomp up the stairs.

"Hey mom." I say with a smile as I reach the kitchen.

"Hey honey! Eat up because you need to leave in about 10 minutes for school." She says placing a plate full of amazing food in my hands. I sit and once I'm done, I place my dishes in the sink and say by to my mom. I go out to my car and drive to school.

As soon as I pulled up to school I saw my best friend and beta, Cole, with his mate waiting for me. I walked up and gave him a high five and nodded to his mate Taylor.

"Hey man, ready for school?" He asks and I just scoffed.

"Yeah, sure, I just want to be done with this place so my dad can teach me how to an Alpha." I say with a sense of pride. All of a sudden an amazing scent of honey and vanilla catches my attention. I look around and Derek gets excited. But, just as soon as it came, it left. I said good bye to Cole and go to my first hour: Math. So boring. As soon as I sat down the scent was getting stronger. I sat upright and not more than 5 seconds later the most beautiful girl walked in the room. She had waist length brown hair that I was itching to run my hands through. She was wearing white shorts and a flowy deep purple colored blouse. She looked for a place to sit and we made eye contact and Derek went crazy.



New book! What do you think? I love fantasy and magic that I'm most likely going to stick to this topic. Sorry it's so short. Just trying to get more ideas. I know where I want it to go but the process is tricky.

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-skater4life1998 😘

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