(A/n: yeah so I'm doing a another rwby story and in this you are going to vote for what one you want to see/read ok and please don't say this one it gets confusing for me also the votes are going to be
1. ren's brother ( male lie reader)
2. neglected and abused male reader (another one)
3. krato's son (son of krato's x RWBY)
4. Nine tails fox (naruto*male*reader x RWBY)
5. Venom (male reader x RWBY)
6. Spider man (male reader x RWBY)
7. Normal RWBY story
8. dragon ball z x RWBY
9. Someone's little brother (x RWBY)
10. Vampire reader (x RWBY)
11. Any other crossovers I missed
Pairings also please don't say this one it gets confusing for me
Neo (good/beacon student/teammate)
Cinder (good/beacon student/teammate)
emerald (good/beacon student/teammate)
and if there are some you want to see leave them below and if I know them I'll put the on the list and that's that I'll see ya in the next update or in the comments bye)