The Camp , the Time , and the Unknown Oddity -Part One

34 1 2

APRIL 18 , 1987 - APRIL 18, 1999

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM




APRIL 18 , 1999



" AAAAAAhhh! PHEW! FINALLY! THERE IS FINALLY OXYGEN! But,wait-where am I ? Why does it even stink so bad like number two , three , one , four , and even like ..... BANANA PEELS ! YUCK! And EW! What's this sticky stuff ? Ugh . Stupid shooting star . No one would like to land in a landfill . I probably chose the wrong date and the TOTALLY WRONG TIME ! I'm such a DUMBO ! " , yelled Meinster . " Or maybe not , young one . ", a voice cried . " WHOA ! Am I dreaming or what ? Anyways , whatever . Whoever you are , show yourself ! Tell me your occupation , your birth date , where in the world am I , what you are doing in the dark , what you want to do with me , etc . " , replied Meinster . " WE ARE THE THE CIA ! AND WE HAVE COME TO TAKE YOU TO PRISON BECAUSE WE FIND YOU OF MUCH USE ! YOU WERE KEPT UNDER WATCH THE WHOLE TIME YOU WERE HERE ! WE DEMAND YOU COOPERATE ! ", boomed the chorus of voices . " Holey macaroni! I thought it was just a random guy , BUT IT TURNS OUT TO BE A GROUP OF CIA AGENTS ! WHAT ! THIS IS CRAZY ! ", yelled Meinster . Then , she summoned up the wits of courage and retorted sarcastically , " OH yeah! You scare me , the GOVERNMENT ! YEAH , right ! Hmph! Dumbo CIA agents! What did I even do wrong ? Eh ? " " Well , we actually want to recruit you and train you to - uh - well - uh - well , you know . T o teach our agents how to run faster , etc . Escaping , you know . We have seen in your school records that you are very smart with a high IQ , you don't have much friends , and that you are a very stealthy and quick person . That makes up all the CIA qualities that even our director was willing to give up his spot for you . The Secretary of Defense and even the PRESIDENT approves too ! We see you as a better opportunity for better protection for the United States . Besides , you have to brains to do almost anything ! Certainly you would want to be out director , ma'am . " , declared the leader of the CIA group . " You flatter me too much . And don't call me ma'am . I don't like it . I hate having to be praised and everything . And nope , I don't accept the offer because Child Labor Law . You SHOULD know this if you are of the CIA and you have a job . But what do you mean . Are you going to whip me or something if I don't do something correctly or whatever ? And besides , how much do I get for my wages in a month ? " , asked Meinster . " We don't count a by months . But you get 10,000 dollars . And no , we won't whip you or anything . We will teach you how to do it since you are so little , uh , Meinster."" Sounds fair . We've got a deal , Sir ." , replied Meinster . " OK ! Good ! I will report that to the president soon . C'mon . We ' ll show you the way out of this stinky place . Currently , we are in New York City , New York . My name is William , William Spawn . And it is nice to meet you . I really wish you were my child , really . You are such a genius . I really really wonder who your dad or mom is . I have tried to look through the Social Security info about you but I haven't found anything at all . " , announced William . Then,Meinster grew suspicious . Why are all these men trying to flatter her ? Why ? Are they trying to sell her as a prostitute or something and just say they are of the CIA ? Why do the men worry so much about her ? Are they trying to become suitors , or what ? " Just stay alert , Meinster , and be scared because it keeps you alive . ", thought Meinster .

APRIL 18 , 1999

1:30 AM


" Welcome to the CIA , Ms. Meinster . " said a man . " Thank - " , Meinster was about to say when suddenly an old woman with a purple sari hobbled toward Meinster screaming , " NO , MEINSTER , NO ! " " WHAT THE ? " , Meinster cried and all the mean surrounding around me grabbed their guns and pointed them at the old lady . Meinster raised her hand to signal to lower their guns . Meinster then moved forward and was about to say something when the men silently turned into drakons and evil cyclopes . Quickly , the old woman grabbed me and sent seven balls of energy to hit the cyclopes . Next , there was a zip and a UPS man in a UPS uniform sitting in a UPS truck yelled , " Come on , Hecate ! " " I am no such fast runner like you , Hermes . Perhaps you should go to jail and restart your DMV lessons because of reckless driving of infinity miles per second , eh ? ," joked Hecate . Swiftly , Hecate slid into the truck while Hermes shot a confusion spell to the drakons . " Whoa , whoa . So Greek mythology turned real right now ? Or is it just you bunch of strangers having code names or being a bunch of Greek mythology things or gods wannabes?", Meinster asked. " No questions please at the moment , if you please .," sputtered Hecate. "OK....", Meinster replied. And then in a flash of light the truck , the UPS guy , and the old woman with the newly " appointed " CIA director disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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