Finding The Hope ~ Chapter One

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Hi, this is the first proper story I've written on wattpad and I hope it gets better as it goes on, feel free to point out grammar mistakes I know there will be a lot, but anyway enjoy (:

Chloe x


"Hope will you come downstairs please?" My mum shouted up to me, jesus I was trying to get ready for school, I was already running late, could whatever she needs me for not wait a second?

"HOLD ON" I shouted back pulling my shoe on as a hopped on one foot out my bedroom door.

I ran down the stairs two at a time and grabbed my bag from the bottom, "What do you need?" I asked my mum in the kitchen.

"...would you like the good news or the bad news first?" She was talking unusually slow which had me worried.

"Good news?" I said hesitantly.

"Well, you don't have to go to school today" Okay, is this my mother because she would never let me have a day off school for no reason...

"FUCK YEAH" I threw my bag on the counter just to emphasise my excitement, "Wait hold on, what's the bad news?" I said suddenly remembering that there must be a reason for her sudden change in rules.

"Er, well you see, your Grandpa - my dad - isn't well at all, he's had a stroke and the doctors are keeping him in hospital for quite a while to do some tests on him, so I need to fly to Georgia to see him..." I was slowly getting confused, why is that bad news I could just go with her right?

"So when do we leave?"

"See that's the bad news, we can't afford two plane tickets from Washington to Georgia so your going to have to stay somewhere else" She flinched away, it seemed as if she was scared of what my reaction would be.

I'm still not seeing what the problem is?

"Okay.. So I'll stay with Em right?" Emily had been my best friend since I came out of the womb, she wouldn't have a problem with me staying with her for a while, it's practically my second home anyway.

"Well I'm not sure I'm completely okay with that, you know Emily's parents are hardly ever home so you'd have no adult supervision for the majority of the time you spend there, so I've organised with my old friend from high school for you to stay with her for a while, I might have told you about her before? Her name is Katherine Turner"... What

"Mum that's not fair, your not going to be gone for long are you? So why can't I just stay with Em?" I swear she does these things on purpose just to piss me off.

"Well actually I'm going to be gone until roughly... June" No, this cannot be happening, it's only December now, that's like half a year!

"But mum this is my senior year, this is supposed to be the best year of my high school life! You can't just expect me to pack up and leave all my friends, I'll have a shit senior year with people I don't even know!" I was furious how can she just expect this of me?

"I'm sorry Hope, I don't want to be the bad guy here but it's not up for discussion, your leaving in a few hours so you need to start packing, Katherine is being a sweetheart and she's going to come and pick you up from here and drive you to Wisconsin, where they live" wait they? Jesus who else do I have to live with?

"Oh and I see that confused look she lives there with her husband, Paul and she has a couple of sons so you won't be alone", yep, because 2 boys probably below the age of 10 are going to keep me company.

I wasn't even going to bother arguing anymore I knew that on my mum had her mind set on something it was happening and there was nothing I could do to change her mind.

I went up to my room purposely stomping up the stairs like a four year old would do if they were told they couldn't have a toy they wanted. I grabbed out the suitcases from under my bed an started to throw in the clothes from my closet, t-shirts, shorts, dresses, hoodies, sweatpants and by the end every item of clothing was packed. I threw in the other essentials like a toothbrush and all that jazz before zipping up the cases and dragging them down the stairs.

"Hope, you better be ready, Katherine should be here in about 10 minutes" I hasn't even had the chance to say goodbye to everyone, yesterday was the last time I'll see most of the people in my high school and I didn't even know it, most of the seniors will be heading off to college next year and I didn't even say goodbye.

I heard a car pull into our driveway, guess it's time to go.

My mum opened the door to roughly a Middle Aged woman, who looked amazing for her age, her hair was a mix between blonde and brown with lighter blonde highlights all over making her look younger.

"Oh you must be Hope? This is going to be so exciting finally another woman in the house it's just been me and the boys for years now" I was beginning to feel guilty at the fact that if I didn't have to go I would defiantly not be going right now.

"Yeah, let's just go" I said while pulling my suitcases out the door and passed her, heading for the car.

I popped the trunk and threw everything in apart from my phone and earphones.

"Hope, please understand that I'm not doing this because I hate you if that's what your thinking I just can't leave you here with no adults around for half a year, this is the best option" I understand where my mum is coming from but I was still not happy about leaving.

"I know mum it's fine" I said beginning to grow impatient, if I had to leave I didn't want to wait we might as well leave now.

"Ok, well have a save journey and make sure you call me when you get there, I love you and I'll miss you loads" she pulled me in for a hug and kissed me on the forehead before letting me go.

"I love you to mum"

I got into the car along with Katherine, after her and my mum had said they're goodbyes.

I plugged my earphones into my phone straight away so that Mrs Turner wouldn't feel the need to fill the awkward silence, I don't really feel like speaking right now.


I was never good at geography which meant I had no idea it took more than a day of driving to get from Washington to Wisconsin. Apart from the odd question or two about what food I would like at the service station we haven't spoken much.

I was listening to Ghost by Ella Henderson when I noticed Katherine trying to get my attention I paused the music an took my earphones out.

I wanted to listen but all I could think was, why would she do this to me? Make me uproot my entire life and leave everything behind?

"Hope dear, I should tell you something about our house or at least warn you" Mrs Turner said in her soft tone.

"Yeah, yeah I know you have a couple of sons it's fine" I was getting tired of being told the same information, did they think I couldn't handle a couple of boys?

"No, Hope you don't understand I..." She tried to carry on the conversation.

"No, really it's fine no need to explain" I tried saying as nicely as possible but I think my irritation was shining through.

"Ok then, if you say so..." What was her problem? I guess I'll find out when we actually get there, this was going to be fun...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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