☆ lovely ☆

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At the time that I am writing this, Kim Seungmin, Lee Felix, Yang Jeongin, and Han Jisung are still minors. At no point in this fanfiction will any of these people or anyone in general be sexualized or exploited. Please do not leave comments doing so.

All Seungmin ever felt was love. He loved all to grace his presence. He saw it as his personal strength, though others used it as a weakness. His mother always told him that if people ever made him feel scared, he should stand up but stay clear. Tell them what's what but never let them in again.

          He was a bit scared of speaking. And as his closest friend, Jeongin, called him, he was "nearly mute." Seungmin wasn't sure about this term at first, but after quite a while he began to agree. He only ever talked to a small group of boys in their community high school.

           Since he never spoke, he never stood up to the scary people in his life. The older kids, the seniors who call him 'pussy cat boy', the scary boys in the locker room who steal his shoes before the beginning of classes, or even the lunch staff whenever they throw away his food tray if he's gone for longer than 5 minutes.

           Seungmin did not share much about his life outside of their small school. Not even Jeongin, whom he has known since they both graduated preschool, knew much about anyone in their family besides his mother. Every one of his friends assumed it couldn't have been very pretty for even his mother to avoid the subject.

          Seungmin learned to sign when it was necessary to speak to teachers, as he never wanted the scary people to hear his voice. His voice was reserved for the most beautiful people he had ever met. His best friends. Felix, Jeongin, Chan, Changbin, Minho, Jisung, and Woojin. Jeongin and Seungmin met the lot of them at a little league baseball game in 3rd grade, and have been inseparable since.

           Besides them, there was nobody. They were supportive and sweet, and hilarious. Seungmin's favorite thing to do was make fun of the thick australian accent that Felix carried on his tongue. He thought he was good at it, but I'm sure others would beg to differ. His mom told him it was good, so to him, that's all that mattered.

        Seungmin was soft and sweet, like cotton candy. Even with his round, ocean eyes that held a sweet chocolatey brown and sweet smile that blinded any normal human with beauty, there was something saddening about his image. Something vulnerable and broken. He was like the story of Snow White. Seemingly happy and beautiful, but underneath, something lay, quietly resting and holding tight to Seungmin. Something dark and tragic.

         Not even Seungmin was fully aware of how hurt he truly was.


"SEUNGMINNIE!!!" A familiar voice screeched through the halls, relentlessly piercing through the calm chatter of other students as the Juniors entered the cafeteria for their lunch period. A small, dark-brunette boy with braces sprinted past the bustling students and scent of microwaved meat patties and powdered mashed potatoes.

Seungmin stopped in his place, rolling his eyes and swiveling around to view the boy running towards him at top speed, adjusting his round glasses and re-swooping his fluffy, deep chocolate hair as the smaller boy approached. Seungmin was about to yell his name, before noticing the amount of students and scary people around them at the time.

'WHAT IS IT, JEONGIN?' Seungmin signed, emphasizing every movement as to show annoyance, chuckling at the sight of the younger boy out of breath in front of him. Jeongin took a second to interpret what the latter had signed to him, before signing back, something along the lines of 'THERE IS NEW DAD.' Confused, Seungmin whispered to Jeongin quickly.

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