A Bat meets a freezer and a fox

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There stood The Batman, outside a Japanese style store called "Equivalent exchange" an up and coming store, where you could essentially buy anything for the right price, information, an escape, blueprints, medical treatment, you name it.

The batman had been having a lot of problems with the villains in Gotham lately, and this store had been the reason why. He had found out from a reliable source that some exchanges were made in an alternative source of payment.

The person that gave this information. , or as his former name which he goes by now "Victor Fries"


Batman was making a patrol when he saw step out of his vehicle, instead of a cold suit, he wore a black suit, as Victor made his way around the vehicle, Batman saw many changes in his character both physically and emotionally.

Some of the physical changes included the fact that he was wearing an eyepatch other his right eye, and he saw his left-hand sleeve was fluttering in the wind, which let Batman know that he was not in possession of his appendage anymore.

Victor was no longer that sickly blue as it was before, his skin looked healthy, he looked younger even. What was actually grabbed the attention of Batman, however, was not the fact that someone could reduce Dr. Freeze to that state, but what really grabbed his attention was the fact that Victor had a smile, he looked genuinely happy.

The Batman stopped in front of Doctor Freeze and grabbed his forearm as he was opening the door.

"What are you up to Freeze." The Batman asked

"Absolutely nothing," He said as he smiled.

"You're going to jail," the Batman said as he tightened his grip on Victor

"Actually, I have been pardoned for my crimes, as long as I meet my parole officer amongst other things"

The Batman let go of his arm but started to scowl

"What did you do, who did you threaten?"

"Nobody" Answered Dr. Fries as he handed Batman a card

"Whats this?" asked The Batman, In his hands was a Matte Black card that had a design of a scale on it, it read Equivalent Exchange, in gold. in the back of the card was a red swirl.

"This store opened up a little while ago, it's owned by a Young Man, some Japanese guy."

"What does this have to do with you being pardoned," The Batman asked quite confused

Fries sighed " He is what you might call a Broker, except that some requests cannot be accommodated with money, the name Equivalent exchange is quite appropriate, he Barters with things that cannot be bought with money, in this case for me it was forgiveness for my crimes"

"Yeah? What? Was that what cost you an eye and an arm?" The Batman asked a bit sarcastically

Dr. Fries looked at him for a second and smiled a bit "Yes actually, I heard about how he could do anything, I asked him if he could make my wife better"

The batman raised his eyebrow "And did he?"

Dr Fries chuckled "Yes he did, he had me bring her to him, It cost me half of the remainder of my lifespan, about 25 years, he told me that he gave her 20 years of my life, the other 5 were his, he told me that she would live for another 20 years, should nothing happen. She would die in her sleep I was told, and I would go after her a week later, gave me enough time to prepare us a proper sendoff, he told me that she had built up a lot of positive karma and she did not deserve what befell her, which is the reason that he only took 25 years from me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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