Randevú With A Stranger

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She was late.

Not that I expected her to show up, but the least she could have done was have the decency to come up with some pathetic excuse.

I took out my phone, intending to text her, asking where she was and if she was okay.

"Stupid stupid idea!" I growled, recalling that I didn't have the girls number, to begin with.

Damn Sadie and her persistence. "It will be fun," She had said. "What's the worst that could happen?" She had coaxed. I rolled my eyes. Being stood up, for one.

Sadie had claimed that it was a travesty that her male best friend, at the age of 27, had never been in a steady relationship. Or any sort of relationship, for that matter. For years she had been pushing me to go out on double dates with her and trying to set me up with her old college friends. Each time I had refused.

I was still waiting for that chance encounter, that magical moment when your eyes met from across the room, a spark igniting within you as you lay eyes on each other. I was still searching for my fairytale story. There was no tale of a prince charming waiting around in a bar to meet the unknown princess that was a friend of a friend.

Eventually, though, she had worn me down. All of her talk about dying alone had finally gotten to me. I promised her four opportunities. Four chances to set me up with someone, and I would go willingly without complaining.

Tonight was her last chance to play cupid. It was the fourth and final date.

I sighed as I eyed my half finished drink, watching the cool glistening glass shimmer under the artificial light from the lamps hanging over the booth.

Checking my watch, I concluded that my date, Hayden, was a no-show. Downing the last of the beer I slipped out of the booth and approached the crowded bar. It was a Friday night, and I wasn't going to hog more space then I needed.

I sat down in the only open seat and ordered another beer.

"Here's to dying alone" I muttered, raising my glass to the guy sitting next to me.

"Here here" His gruff voice responded, chinking his lowball glass against my bottle.

Minutes passed uncomfortably, as I attempted to find the solution for my sorrows at the bottom of my bottle.

"So what's your deal?" I finally broke the silence turning in my stool to face him.

"My deal?" He asked, tilting his head questioningly. The slight change in position had caused some hair to fall across his face, and over one eye.

"Yeah. Your deal. What brings you here to drink at a bar all alone on a Friday night, when you could be out with friends. Or better yet, at home asleep." I murmured the last part longingly, fantasizing about my warm bed.

He must have caught what I had said making his face break into a grin.

It wasn't one of those cocky smirks that got on my nerves or those fake expressions that you would flash to your mother's church friends. No, his smile was bright and genuine, stretching over tanned skin, causing crinkles around his aqua green eyes, and flashing me a row of perfect white teeth. I couldn't deny that even for a man he was very attractive. Almost like a sports magazine model.

"Got stood up" His smile never left his face even as he announced the degrading fact.

"Shame, she's missing out, dude." I said gesturing at his muscular figure.

"Yes," He retorted the grin growing even wider "He is."

"Oh." I felt the blush creep up my face as I averted my eyes.

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