my imaginary friend killed herself when I was 14

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When I was young, I had an imaginary friend called Ada, she gave herself that name because she didn't have one before that, Ada and I used to spend hours outside, playing in the tree house. My parents didn't really care too much because they said it was "just a phase" But it wasn't, Ada and I have been friends since we moved house. I usually found it hard to make friends because of how different and 'weird' I was, but I didn't care because I had Ada to keep me company and help me. Despite me being almost 10 I adored Ada... She was like a sister but closer, I didn't understand why she always made me feel happy whenever she was with me or why she gave me butterflies but I didn't care. I was only young... If only I had realized sooner though then I could have saved her from that horrible end...

I was 12 and starting secondary school, I was nervous but excited at the same time. New people, new start, new everything pretty much! I couldn't wait to get into school and make some friends... Ada was with me, she looked about 14 now but I didn't care, no-one else could see her but that was fine since she wanted to learn too and she said she would tell me the answers to the questions so that I would be a great student, but then I was categorized as then nerdy type... Sure I was kinda a nerd but not too big of a nerd... Then again I hadn't hit puberty yet so that was gonna be a trainwreck and a half wasn't it? Ugh, that was probably the worst thing about high school. Puberty alone was hell but then add on all the bullying and being told I'm not good enough...

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Ada beckon me downstairs quietly so I followed, being careful not to make any sound. I heard my father's gruff voice talking to my soft-spoken mother "I told you already, He needs mental help!"

"No, he'll grow out of it when he hits puberty. and lower your voice, he might not be asleep yet and we don't want him to wake up do we?" My mother's voice was soft but harsh at the same time as if scolding my father for saying such a thing. My stomach churned and I felt sad, looking over at Ada as I got up and hugged her. She felt so real, she couldn't be fake... Could she? That night I didn't sleep, I just stared at the ceiling, Ada was asleep next to me but I couldn't stop thinking about what my mother and father had said "Mental help... But why..?" I sighed softly and tried to sleep but my mind wouldn't allow me and kept showing me images of me in those mental asylum clothes... Only being able to stand up and walk around with my arms wrapped around me, that insane look in my eyes...

Now it was my birthday, I was turning 14 and by then I had gotten a girlfriend, her name was Beth, Beth Cromwell and she was absolutely stunning. By now Ada looked about 16, maybe even 17 now but she was hiding something from me, she kept saying she was happy for me and Beth but I knew something was wrong instantly. I decided to take a walk with her after my birthday party, we walked through the woods together but I got an uneasy feeling that someone was following us or watching us, Ada didn't seem to notice but I saw some rope in her pocket, my heart started to race 'was she gonna tie me up or what?!' As if she had read my mind she looked at me and stopped walking, I froze up slightly "Go... Go back to miss Cromwell... Leave me alone" Her once happy and bright eyes were now just dull orbs, she was a shadow of what she once was, no longer someone I knew, but a stranger that I didn't recognize at all "Ada... What are you going to do?" I was curious but kinda scared for her. Ada sighed and took out a knife that had been hidden in the back of her jeans "I wanted you all to myself but then miss perfect came along and took you away. I grew jealous then that jealousy turned into hate then sadness..." We were a couple feet apart but all I could do was watch "Please go... I don't want to ruin your life anymore..."

"Ada you don-" But before I could finish it was too late, she had driven the knife into her stomach and cut it open, I gagged and looked away as her organs fell out. She used the rope to tie a noose and hung it on a tree, making sure it was stable before looking back at me with her dull eyes and fake smile "Bye bye..." she put the noose around her neck and jumped, blood dripped from her mouth as she slowly died from blood loss and loss of oxygen. It scared me for life...

That was how it all ended, for her at least... When I told my parents what she did they didn't believe me and said that "It's time..." I knew what this meant but before I could do anything I was engulfed in black, I was knocked out. When I woke after what seemed like seconds it had been a few hours since I was knocked out and now my worst nightmare had come true, I was now in a mental asylum, my arms around myself and I was only able to walk around in my small white room, I kept hearing her voice in my head "Don't forget me~" Then her face appeared in front of me, half was a mask the other half was pale skin, her eye looked like a cats but it was a light grey. She woke a doctors mask that covered her mouth and nose. "Never forget my face~" From then on I was kept in that same room, that same mental asylum... With H E R

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