Chapter26-the news.

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Today was going really well. Me and harry had lunch at Anne's and Gemma's.

We were about to leave, it's time to go and find out our results!!

I kissed Gemma and Anne on the cheek before heading towards the passenger seat of the car. Harry was still saying his goodbyes before heading into the car.

I am truly thankful for Harry's mum and sister. They're letting me stay for a while soon when I have the baby..well..if I still have this baby. So yeah they will let me and the baby stay while harry finishes the tour off. They know I don't want to be on my own.

I bunker my seat belt while starting the engine.

I pull out, waving another goodbye to the both of them stood by the door. Now it's time for a long journey back to London. I know my head is going to be packed with nerves and stuff. Fun!


"Harry..wake up your phone keeps going off!!" I nudge harry a bit trying to get him to sit up.

We were about 30minutrs away from London, and Harry's been asleep since I started driving.

He turns abit before sitting up. Rubbing his beautiful eyes before playing them onto mine. I smile..even giggle a bit at the way he looks.

He grabs his phone, which has stopped ringing and just throw it on the floor.

"Who was it?"

"This stupid unknown number..might just be a fan" he turns over toward the window like he was going to fall asleep again.

Before I speak to him, his phone goes off. I huff in annoyance and just tell him to pass it to me. Yeah I know I'm not suppost to be driving while on the phone but who cares!

He passes it to me and I answer it.


"Hello, is this Harold Edward Styles?" I smirk to myself..I love the name Harold but he gets so annoyed when I say it!

"No, this is his girlfriend Kendall Jenner. Could I help you?" I kept my focus on the road, not really paying much attention to who is on the phone.

"Ah Kendall. We didn't have your number in our files, so we could only get hold of Harry." I put on a confused face.

"Who is this?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Dr Drake, I'm calling about the tests you took in miami I think it was!?" I's them. Wait? Why are they calling?

I turn the car onto the side of the road really fast that it bumps harry out of his sleep, shooting right up in shock.

I switch off the engine then I start to actually pay attention to the phone.

"Yes. Hello! What's wrong?" I tap my fingers on the wheel. Gosh I'm so nervous. I thought I had to go and see them?

"We've got your tests back. I trie getting hold of Harry for hours but no reply? I thought it would be better then to get you to drive all the way down, so I went through some files for your number but I could only find Harry's."

Seriously, just tell me already!!

"Okay, that's fine. Is my baby alright?" This is it..I had harry looks at me with a confused look. But he knew it was about the baby. I had tears welling up in my eyes.

Harry grabbed my hand, squeezing it in his, and he places his other hand on my stomache, rubbing his thumb in circles.

"Oh yes..well Miss Jenner I can tell you that your baby is perfectly healthy. The cause of your fainting and illness was just your body getting used to the fetus and you're obviously in perfect shape so with a fetus growing in you, it's not used to it. So things like fainting may happen more often." I stay still..with a few tears slowly dripping from my eyes to my lap. I mumble a bit..I can't get any words out.

"Thankyou.." I hang up..dropping the phone onto the floor. I know that sounds rude to just hang up like that but oh my..I can't even speak right now.

I turn to harry, to see him crying..

"It didnt make it did it.." He let go of my stomache and hand and buried his head into his hands. He's heavily sobbing and crying like mad.

This causes me to smile..I didn't know this meant so much to him.

I place my hand on his back, making him slowly lift his head making eye contact with me.

"Harry...I've got a perfectly healthy baby inside me.." I laughed, causing me to jump on harry giving him the biggest hug I've ever had from him.

We both smiled and squealed with excitement.

I pull back and look into his beautiful green eyes..and then placeing my lips onto his.

He slowly and gently kisses me back..before he pull me to the back seat. I follow him, our lips not separating.

I was now on top of him, kissing him more passionately. He placed his tongue on my lips, asking for entrance. I allowed him, placing with his curls visiously.

This kissing went on for a while. He then grabs my top, pulling it over my head as I quickly went back to his soft lips. I couldn't stay away from them.

I pulled his off aswell, and grabbed his hair after causing him to moan.

We were still kissing, while we took our trousers and shorts off.

I pulled back..looking into his beautiful eyes again, and mouthing 'I love you!'

I give him a smirk, and make my way down to his penis, which was now majorly erect.

*sorry it's short. People just wanted to find out the news of the baby. Sorry for the sudden sexual moment. Just thought it went with the story! But yay, baby's safe!!

What baby names?

Need some for boys and girls.

The person I choose gets to have a shoutout in the chapter:)

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