Chapter 1: Shattered Memories And Pale Nightmares

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Beyondthe toppled city of Olthaim, surrounds a Forest of the restless. Oncea holy and precious place of mourning used to let the dead pass oninto the final realm for their eternal slumber and rest. Though, thespirits that roamed the forest had stopped being tended to andinstead started to be left, forgotten and misguided, causing them tonot properly be passed from this realm of the living. Their fateswere that of tortured living, undeath and to walk the lands they nowcalled 'home'.

Fromthe time that they had been patrolling their haunting place, theirsouls had been corrupted from the disease of a dark, evil magic thathad infected the Forest, leading the poor spirits to become maddenedin their already demented and torn state. This Madness was why no-onedared venture into the Forest, except to add yet another corpse tothe ground to rejoin the earth, and another soul to the army of themindless and damned. This Forest was to be aptly named, the 'Forestof Corpses'.

Thoughmost who would walk the rotted earth of the forest would be turnedback by a sudden feeling of dread and uneasiness, due to the cursesthat have befouled the grounds, causing the darkness to seep into theskin of men and women, however there was one girl, a child... whofound herself walking the crumbled, bloodstained leaves that litteredthe pitch black ground. Her face was pure and white, with hair thecolour of fresh bloomed roses, curled up and around her head into twobackwards braids, connecting into a single one. She wore anoble-threaded dress fit to be worn by only the wealthiest of thepeople of the Kingdoms.

Thoughit was obvious by her appearance that she was a child, she had atleast had the height of a teen and with the crest of Royalty on herchest. Despite the royal appearance, the young girl's face was blank,as though she was one of the many spirits surrounding her.

Asthe girl continued aimlessly walking her way through the Forest, moreand more restless undead gathered around her, becoming more and moreagitated at the unknown presence, though refused to attack, keeping ametaphorical eye on the red head.

Afterwhat had seemed like hours to the girl had passed in the barely litwoods, she stumbled across a twisted and curse-rotted tree, reachingup at least twenty meters into the sky, past the canopies that werebarely in sight. The girl curled her head backwards, looking up thetree as she made out the details of the barked monolith, just barelyspotting the blacked out and shallow windows next to a twisted andwithered door, opened barely ajar.

Asshe continued to walk, opening the door to slowly and mindlesslycreep her way into what looked like an abandoned home of some sorts,scattered odds and ends spread across the floor, joined by smashedjars and lanterns. The whole room looking as if it had either beenlooted or wrecked by an animal from quite a while ago, despite thegeneral lack of any living creature in the immediate area.

Theyoung girl pressed the hefty door shut behind her with all the effortthat she could muster, causing a loud click as it bolted closed.Retreating across the room, she had only come to realize it was justthat, a room, with no visible signs of being able to go anywhere elsein this so called home. Though, across the darkness, with a singlestreak of brilliant moonlight shining brightly through the brokencanopy branches into this over-wise abyssal blackness, the young girlcould make out a disheveled and torn bed which gave her some solacein her poor predicament.

Inthat decrepit room, one item stayed in perfect condition, nottoppled, nor was it damaged. A cross, or atleast it seemed like one,between the two arms were four circles above and below it, eachcircle with one slit going down through it, making each circle looklike some sort of serpent's eye, each slit a different colour. As thegirl approached the cross, a bright flash of light shot through hereyes, causing her to fall backwards in a blacked out unconsciousstate.


"MadamVethra, you're late awaking. Your parents are waiting for youdownstairs, they have a present for you, it is your birthday afterall" Spoke a soothing voice as the Red Head slowly rose andopened her azure-blue eyes.

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